Bloodsydian is a red crystal mined by slaves for the Gnoll and Ogre armies of the Howling Moors in Kingdom Rush: Origins. The crystal also makes a major appearance in Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance being abundant in the Forsaken Canyon and is sought by the Unblinded Cult and functions in one of their artifacts in the Temple Courtyard.
The Bloodsydian stones are much like the Sorcerer's Stone found in the First Elven City, however these blood-red gems activate of their own accord and are unstable, applying different effects to passing units. With each activation, they break into multiple pieces which unite after 16 seconds, signalling that they're ready to activate again.
- 40% chance to heal 200 health to 4 units; enemies only or indiscriminately.
- 30% chance to teleport enemy units further along the path or back up the path.
- 30% chance to transform 3 Gnolls (Gnoll Reavers and Gnoll Burners) into Blood Gnolls, or kill them instantly.
- Bloodsydian is a portmanteau of "blood" and "obsidian," the latter of which is an igneous rock.
- Bloodsydian is revealed to have a connection to the Void Beyond and its energy corrupts everything it touches
- The void power in the mineral is also revealed to be what altered Kosmyr's appearance and gave him his gem powers.