Kingdom Rush Wiki

This page contains a list of all the enemies encountered in the Kingdom Rush franchise.

Kingdom Rush


MiniBox Goblin
MiniBox Orc
MiniBox Shaman
MiniBox Ogre
Goblin Orc Shaman Ogre
MiniBox Bandit
MiniBox Brigand
MiniBox Marauder
MiniBox GiantSpider
Bandit Brigand Marauder Giant Spiders
MiniBox SpiderMatriach
MiniBox SpiderHatch
MiniBox Gargoyle
MiniBox ShadowArcher
Spider Matriarch Spider Hatchling Gargoyle Shadow Archer
MiniBox DarkKnight
MiniBox Wulf
MiniBox Worg
MiniBox Golem-Head
Dark Knight Wulf Worg Golem Head
MiniBox HobgoblinChief
MiniBox WinterWulf
MiniBox Troll
MiniBox TrollChampion
Hobgoblin Chief Winter Wolf Troll Troll Champion
MiniBox TrollChieftain
MiniBox Yeti
MiniBox RocketRider
MiniBox DarkSlayer
Troll Chieftain Yeti Rocket Rider Dark Slayer
MiniBox Demon
MiniBox DemonLord
MiniBox DemonHound
MiniBox DemonImp
Demon Spawn Demon Lord Demon Hound Demon Imp
MiniBox Skeleton
MiniBox SkeletonKnight
MiniBox Necromancer
MiniBox MagmaElemental
Skeleton Skeleton Knight Necromancer Magma Elemental
MiniBox SonofSarelgaz
MiniBox GoblinZapper
MiniBox OrcChampion
MiniBox WorgRider
Son of Sarelgaz Goblin Sapper Orc Champion Worg Rider
MiniBox ForestTroll
MiniBox Husk
MiniBox NoxiousCreeper
MiniBox MutHatchling
Forest Troll Husk Noxious Creeper Mutated Hatchling
MiniBox TaintedTreant
MiniBox SwampThing
MiniBox Raider
MiniBox Pillager
Tainted Treant Swamp Thing Raider Pillager
MiniBox TrollPathfinder
MiniBox TrollBreaker
MiniBox Legion
MiniBox Flareon
Troll Pathfinder Troll Breaker Demon Legion Flareon
MiniBox Gualemon
MiniBox Cerebus
MiniBox Rotshroom
MiniBox ZombieSM
Gulaemon Cerberus Rotshroom Zombie
MiniBox GRat
MiniBox Wererat
MiniBox FKnight
MiniBox SKnight
Giant Rat Wererat Fallen Knight Spectral Knight
MiniBox AbomSM
MiniBox WerewolfSM
MiniBox LycanSM
MiniBox BlackHag
Abomination Werewolf Lycan Black Hag
MiniBox Sheep


MiniBox TheJuggernaut
MiniBox JT
MiniBox Veznan
MiniBox Sarelgaz
The Juggernaut J.T. Vez'nan Sarelgaz
MiniBox Gulthak
MiniBox Greenmuck
MiniBox TheKingpin
MiniBox Ulguk-Hai
Gul'Thak Greenmuck The Kingpin Ulguk-Hai
MiniBox Moloch
MiniBox Myconid
MiniBox Blackburn
Moloch Myconid Lord Blackburn

Kingdom Rush: Frontiers


MiniBox Desertthug
MiniBox Duneraider
MiniBox Desertarcher
MiniBox Sandhound
Desert Thug Dune Raider Desert Archer Sand Hound
MiniBox Warhound
MiniBox Immortal
MiniBox Fallen
MiniBox Executioner
War Hound Immortal Mummy Executioner
MiniBox Giantscorpion
MiniBox Giantwasp
MiniBox Giantwaspqueen
MiniBox Duneterror
Giant Scorpion Giant Wasp Giant Wasp Queen Dune Terror
MiniBox Sandwraith
MiniBox Lesserefreeti
MiniBox Anoobis
MiniBox Junglespider
Sand Wraith Lesser Efreeti Anoobis Jungle Spider
MiniBox Junglematriarch
MiniBox Spiderling
MiniBox Savagewarrior
MiniBox Savagehunter
Jungle Matriarch Spiderling Savage Warrior Savage Hunter
MiniBox Witchdoctor
MiniBox Earthshaman
MiniBox Spiritshaman
MiniBox Bloodtrickster
Witch Doctor Earth Shaman Spirit Shaman Blood Trickster
MiniBox Savagezombie
MiniBox Savagebrute
MiniBox Gorillon
MiniBox PoukaiRider
Savage Zombie Savage Brute Gorillon Poukai Rider
MiniBox Poukai
MiniBox Parasyte
MiniBox Reaper
MiniBox Mandrillo
Poukai Parasyte Reaper Mandrilos
MiniBox ReaperLord
MiniBox Razorwing
MiniBox Quetzal
MiniBox Broodguard
Reaper Lord Saurian Razorwing Saurian Quetzal Saurian Broodguard
MiniBox Myrmidon
MiniBox Blazefang
MiniBox Nightscale
MiniBox Darter
Saurian Myrmidon Saurian Blazefang Saurian Nightscale Saurian Darter
MiniBox Saurianbrute
MiniBox Savant
MiniBox Shadeelemental
MiniBox Shredofdarkness
Saurian Brute Saurian Savant Shade Elemental Shred of Darkness
MiniBox Gunboat
MiniBox Greenfin
MiniBox Redspine
MiniBox Blacksurge
Gunboat Greenfin Redspine Blacksurge
MiniBox Deviltide
MiniBox Bluegale
MiniBox Bloodshell
MiniBox Zombie
Deviltide Bluegale Bloodshell Zombie
MiniBox Ghoul
MiniBox Bat
MiniBox Werewolf
MiniBox Abomination
Ghoul Bat Werewolf Abomination
MiniBox Lycan
MiniBox Ghost
MiniBox Phantomwarrior
MiniBox JackOLantern
Lycan Ghost Phantom Warrior Jack'O Lantern
MiniBox Vampiresa
MiniBox Deathcoil
Vampiresa Saurian Deathcoil


MiniBox Nazeru
MiniBox Quincon
MiniBox Umbra
MiniBox Leviathan
Nazeru Quincon Umbra Leviathan
MiniBox Vasile
MiniBox Xyzzy
Vasile Xyzzy

Kingdom Rush: Origins


MiniBox GnollReaver
MiniBox GnollBurner
MiniBox GnollGnawer
MiniBox Hyena
Gnoll Reaver Gnoll Burner Gnoll Gnawer Hyena
MiniBox Perython
MiniBox GnollBlighter
MiniBox Ettin
MiniBox TwilightHarasser
Perython Gnoll Blighter Ettin Twilight Harasser
MiniBox GnollCatapult
MiniBox GnollWar
MiniBox SwordSpider
MiniBox SatyrCutthroat
Gnoll Catapult Gnoll Warleader Sword Spider Satyr Cutthroat
MiniBox SatyrHoplite
MiniBox WebspitterSpider
MiniBox Gloomy
MiniBox TwilightScourger
Satyr Hoplite Webspitter Spider Gloomy Twilight Scourger
MiniBox Banshee
MiniBox Bandersnatch
MiniBox Redcap
MiniBox TwilightAvenger
Scourger Banshee Bandersnatch Redcap Twilight Avenger
MiniBox Boomshroom
MiniBox Munchshroom
MiniBox FungusBreeder
MiniBox Zealot
Boomshroom Munchshroom Fungus Breeder Zealot
MiniBox Bunny
MiniBox RazorBoar
MiniBox TwilightEvoker
MiniBox TwilightGolem
Bunny Razorboar Twilight Evoker Twilight Golem
MiniBox CloudStalker
MiniBox Spiderbrood
MiniBox TwilightHeretic
MiniBox SonOfMactans
Cloud Stalker Spiderbrood Twilight Heretic Son of Mactans
MiniBox Arachnomancer
MiniBox Drider
MiniBox BloodGnoll
MiniBox BloodOgre
Arachnomancer Drider Blood Gnoll Blood Ogre
MiniBox OgreMagi
MiniSqr BServant
MiniSqr Screech
MiniSqr MAvenger
Ogre Magi Blood Servant Screecher Bat Mounted Avenger
MiniBox TwiBrute
MiniSqr Shadowspawn
MiniSqr Devourer
MiniSqr DarkSpitter
Twilight Brute Shadowspawn Devourer Dark Spitter
MiniSqr ShChampion
Shadow Champion


MiniBox HiHiEnhas
MiniBox Malicia
MiniBox SpiderQueen
MiniBox Bram
Hi-Hi Enha Malicia Spider Goddess Bram the Beheader
MiniSqr BajNimen
MiniSqr Godieth
Baj'Nimen the Hateful Godieth

Kingdom Rush: Vengeance


MiniBox Woodcutter
MiniBox Worker
MiniBox DwarfBruiser
MiniBox Warhammer
Human Woodcutter Human Worker Dwarf Bruiser Warhammer Guard
MiniBox ClockworkSpider
MiniBox ChompBot
MiniBox CyclopterPilot
MiniBox Tinbeard
Clockwork Spider Chomp Bot Cyclopter Tinbeard Gunman
MiniBox Smokebeard
MiniBox SulfurAlchemist
MiniBox QuarryWorker
MiniBox Stonebeard
Smokebeard Engineer Sulfur Alchemist Quarry Worker Stonebeard Geomancer
MiniBox MechaDwarfMK9
MiniBox NorthernWildling
MiniBox NorthernHuntress
MiniBox GlacialWolf
MechaDwarf MK.9 Northern Wildling Northern Huntress Glacial Wolf
MiniBox BlueWyvern
MiniBox Beserker
MiniBox NanoqWarbear
MiniBox ApexStalker
Blue Wyvern Northern Berserker Nanoq Warbear Apex Stalker
MiniBox ApexShard
MiniBox IceWitch
MiniBox LeapDragon
MiniBox Valkyrie
Apex Shard Ice Witch Leap Dragon Valkyrie
MiniBox Drauger
MiniBox SvellDruid
MiniBox FrostGiant
MiniBox Recruit
Draugr Svell Druid Frost Giant Recruit
MiniBox Footman
MiniBox Watchdog
MiniBox TroopCaptain
MiniBox Farmers
Footman Watchdog Troop Captain Farmer
MiniBox HuntingEagle
MiniBox JoeJenkins
MiniBox Baasan
MiniBox AlleriaSwiftwind
Hunting Eagle Joe Jenkins Baa San Alleria Swiftwind
MiniBox ElvenRanger
MiniBox DevotedPriest
MiniBox GryphonBomb
MiniBox ArcaneMagus
Elven Ranger Devoted Priest Gryphon Bombardier Arcane Magus
MiniBox HighSorcerer
MiniBox VSheep
MiniBox Paladin
MiniBox GolemHouse
High Sorcerer Sheep Paladin Golem House
MiniBox TowerShield
MiniBox KnightRider
MiniBox Muskateer
MiniBox WarWagon
Shieldbearer Cavalier Musketeer War Wagon
MiniBox AChaser
MiniBox AWarden
MiniBox CAmphitere
MiniBox AInfuser
Anurian Chaser Anurian Warden Crystal Amphiptere Anurian Infuser
MiniBox AErudite
MiniBox AChanneler
MiniBox CrystalDemo
MiniBox SnowGolem
Anurian Erudite Anurian Channeler Crystal Demolisher Snow Golem
MiniBox FrzHeart
MiniBox FrzSoul
MiniBox IceReaper
MiniBox WinterLord
Frozen Heart Frozen Soul Ice Reaper Winter Lord
Minibox GhostV
Minibox HSkeleton
Minibox WerewolfV
Minibox BoneCarrier
Ghost Haunted Skeleton Werewolf Bone Carrier
Minibox Corrosive
Minibox Screecher
Minibox Lich
MiniBox Mogwai
Corrosive Soul Screecher Bat Lich Mogwai
MiniBox Nian
MiniBox Carnival
MiniBox Velociraptor
MiniBox PrehistoricDwarf
Nian Carnival Dragon Velociraptor Prehistoric Dwarf
MiniBox CaveDwarf
MiniBox Pterodactyl
MiniBox Legionnaire
MiniBox LegionArcher
Cave Dwarf Pterodactyl Legionnaire Legion Archer
MiniBox CamelRider
MiniBox Falconer
MiniBox DesertEagle
MiniBox Nomad
Camel Rider Falconer Desert Eagle Nomad
MiniBox MagicCarpet
MiniBox Djinni
MiniBox MAssassin
MiniBox SandMystic
Magic Carpet Djinni Master Assassin Sand Mystic
MiniBox Merchant
MiniBox WarPhant
MiniBox DrumPhant
MiniBox SandWarrior
Merchant War Elephant Drum Elephant Sand Warrior
MiniBox Scoundrel
MiniBox Buccaneer
MiniBox Corsair
MiniBox Boatswain
Scoundrel Buccaneer Corsair Boatswain
MiniBox BombParrot
MiniBox RushMonkey
MiniBox Filibuster
MiniBox BoomBaboon
Bomber Parrot Rushing Monkey Filibusters Boom Baboon
MiniBox GreatMacaw
MiniBox Apemate
MiniBox Tailblade
MiniBox Boulder
Great Macaw Apemate Tailblade Rolling Boulder
MiniBox Lemonshark
MiniBox Bullshark
MiniBox Tigershark
MiniBox Hammermage
Lemonshark Slasher Bullshark Dasher Tigershark Rager Hammermage
MiniBox Megalodon
MiniBox RisenCut
MiniBox CorpseRecruit
MiniBox GhostBarge
Megalodon Risen Cutthroat Corpse Recruiter Ghostly Barge
MiniBox FoulCockatoo
MiniBox HangedCap
Foul Cockatoo Hanged Captain


MiniBox Bolgur
MiniBox Jokull
MiniBox GeraldLightseeker
MiniBox Paragon
Bolgur Jokull Gerald Lightseeker Paragon
MiniBox Polyx
MiniBox WinterQueen
Minibox Ancient1
Minibox Ancient2
Polyx the Wise The Winter Queen Ancient Ghost Ancient Ghost
MiniBox DragonKing
MiniBox Great-T
MiniBox Alric
MiniBox Mirage
Dragon King Great-T Alric Mirage
MiniBox Malik
MiniBox BlackCorsair
MiniBox Macaque
MiniBox DeepKing
Malik Black Corsair Macaque Deep King
MiniBox Spectro
MiniBox Blackthorne
Spectro Captain Blackthorne

Legends of Kingdom Rush


LokR EnIc BanditRaider
LokR EnIc ShadowArcher
LokR EnIc Goblin
LokR EnIc OrcArcher
Bandit Raider Shadow Archer Goblin Orc Archer
LokR EnIc OrcWarrior
LokR EnIc OrcChampion
LokR EnIc Ogre
LokR EnIc OrcShaman
Orc Warrior Orc Champion Ogre Orc Shaman
LokR EnIc DarkKnight
LokR EnIc Wulf
LokR EnIc Worg
LokR EnIc GiantSpider
Dark Knight Wulf Worg Giant Spider
LokR EnIc Spiderling
LokR EnIc UnblindedAcolyte
LokR EnIc UnblindedPriest
LokR EnIc GlareTentacle
Spiderling Unblinded Acolyte Unblinded Priest Glare Tentacle
LokR EnIc UnblindedAbomination
LokR EnIc SpiderMatriach
LokR EnIc TrollWarrior
LokR EnIc TrollChampion
Unblinded Abomination Spider Matriarch Troll Warrior Troll Champion
LokR EnIc TrollChieftain
LokR EnIc TrollBreaker
LokR EnIc WinterWolf
LokR EnIc Yeti
Troll Chieftain Troll Breaker Winter Wolf Yeti
LokR EnIc UnblindedExalted
LokR EnIc LesserObelisk
LokR EnIc GlareCrystal
LokR EnIc SkeletonWarriror
Unblinded Exalted Lesser Obelisk Glare Crystal Skeleton Warrior
LokR EnIc SkeletonChampion
LokR EnIc DemonSpawn
LokR EnIc DemonFlareon
LokR EnIC DemonHound
Skeleton Champion Demon Spawn Demon Flareon Demon Hound
LokR EnIC DemonLord
LokR EnIC MagmaElemental
LokR EnIc MagmaCocoon
LokR EnIc Sapling
Demon Lord Magma Elemental Magma Cocoon Sapling
LokR EnIc Trunk
LokR EnIc Vinepaw
LokR EnIc Nightshade
LokR EnIc AshWarlock
Trunk Vinepaw Nightshade Ashervan Warlock
LokR EnIc AshEnchantress
LokR EnIc Webweaver
LokR EnIc OrcHunter
LokR EnIc Togre
Ashervan Enchantress Webweaver Spider Orc Hunter Togre
LokR EnIc Trollzerker
LokR EnIc Blasteon
LokR EnIc ExaltedLord
LokR EnIc HighEnch
Trollzerker Blasteon Exalted Lord High Enchantress


LokR EnIc KrumThak
LokR EnIc FrostHarbinger
LokR EnIc UlgukHai
LokR EnIc SeeressIriza
Krum'Thak Ragestorm Frost Harbinger Ulguk'hai the Unblinded Seeress Iriza
LokR EnIc TheOverseer
LokR EnIc Mor
LokR EnIc Ga
LokR EnIc Nok
The Overseer Mór, the Soil Ga, the Omen Nok, the Havoc

Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance


MiniBox HogInvader
MiniBox TuskBrawl
MiniBox CutRat
MiniBox BearVan
Hog Invader Tusked Brawler Cutthroat Rat Bear Vanguard
MiniBox TurtShaman
MiniBox Vulture
MiniBox BearWood
MiniBox DreadViper
Turtle Shaman Patrolling Vulture Bear Woodcutter Dreadeye Viper
MiniBox SkunkBomb
MiniBox RagRhino
MiniBox RottHyena
MiniBox CultAcolyte
Skunk Bombardier Razing Rhino Rottenfang Hyena Cult Acolyte
MiniBox TwistSis
MiniBox Nightmare
MiniBox CorruptStalk
MiniBox AcoPriest
Twisted Sister Nightmare Corrupted Stalker Cult Priest
MiniBox AcoTentacle
MiniBox 5Abomination
MiniBox Taskmaster
MiniBox Glarebrood
Acolyte Tentacle Cult Abomination Taskmaster Abomination Glarebrood
MiniBox Shackler
MiniBox BoundNightmare
MiniBox CrystalGolem
MiniBox TamedStalk
Shackler Bound Nightmare Crystal Golem Tamed Stalker
MiniBox MIllusion
MiniBox VoidBlink
MiniBox Glareling
MiniBox MindlessHusk
Mydrias' Illusion Void Blinker Glareling Mindless Husk
MiniBox VileSpawner
MiniBox LesserEye
MiniBox Bladeclaw
MiniBox FleshBehemoth
Vile Spawner Lesser Eye Bladeclaw Horror Flesh Behemoth
MiniBox NoxSpitter
MiniBox EvoScour
MiniBox BlackSheep
Noxious Spitter Evolving Scourge Sheep


MiniBox Goregrind
MiniBox CorrputDenas
MiniBox Mydrias
MiniBox Overseer
Goregrind Corrupted Denas Seeress Mydrias The Overseer

All items (422)
