Kingdom Rush Wiki

This page contains a list of levels in Kingdom RushKingdom Rush: Frontiers, Kingdom Rush: Origins, Kingdom Rush: Vengeance, and Kingdom Rush: Alliance.

To view an interactive map of all of the levels, see the Kingdom Rush Level Map.

Kingdom Rush[]

Main Campaign[]

These levels are part of the original release of the game. They must be unlocked one after each other.

MiniLevel 0001 Southport
MiniLevel 0002 Outskirts
MiniLevel 0003 Pagras
Southport The Farmlands Pagras
MiniLevel 0004 TwinRiver
MiniLevel 0005 Silveroak
MiniLevel 0006 Citadel
Twin Rivers Silveroak Forest The Citadel
MiniLevel 0007 Coldstep
MiniLevel 0008 Icewind
MiniLevel 0009 Stormcloud
Coldstep Mines Icewind Pass Stormcloud Temple
MiniLevel 0010 TheWastes
MiniLevel 0011 Forsaken
MiniLevel 0012 DarkTower
The Wastes Forsaken Valley The Dark Tower


These levels require the Premium Content to play (on the Flash version), or are all unlocked when The Dark Tower is beaten (all other versions). Five of the levels are part of mini-campaigns, and unlock new levels after they have been beaten.

MiniLevel 0013 Sarelgaz
MiniLevel 0014 Acaroth
MiniLevel 0015 Rotten
Sarelgaz's Lair
Ruins of Acaroth
Rotten Forest
MiniLevel 0016 Fungal
MiniLevel 0017 Hushwood
MiniLevel 0018 Bandits
Fungal Forest
(Beat Rotten Forest)
Bandit's Lair
(Beat Hushwood)
MiniLevel 0019 Glacial
MiniLevel 0020 Hakraj
MiniLevel 0021 PitFire
Glacial Heights
Ha'Kraj Plateau
(Beat Glacial Heights)
Pit of Fire
MiniLevel 0022 Pandaemon
MiniLevel SM01 Rotwick
MiniLevel SM02 Ancient Necropolis
(Beat Pit of Fire)
Ancient Necropolis
(Beat Rotwick)
MiniLevel SM03 Nightfang Swale
MiniLevel SM04 Castle Blackburn
Nightfang Swale
(Beat Ancient Necropolis)
Castle Blackburn
(Beat Nightfang Swale)


MiniLevel 0023 RageValley
Rage Valley
(Beat The Citadel)

Kingdom Rush: Frontiers[]

Main Campaign[]

These levels are part of the original release of the game and must be unlocked one after each other.

MiniLevel 0001 Hammerhold
MiniLevel 0002 Sandhawk
MiniLevel 0003 SapeOasis
Hammerhold Sandhawk Hamlet Sape Oasis
MiniLevel 0004 DunesDespair
MiniLevel 0005 Bucaneer
MiniLevel 0006 Nazeru
Dunes of Despair Buccaneer's Den Nazeru's Gates
MiniLevel 0007 Crimson
MiniLevel 0008 Snapvine
MiniLevel 0009 LostJungle
Crimson Valley Snapvine Bridge Lost Jungle
MiniLevel 0010 Maqwa
MiniLevel 0011 Saqra
MiniLevel 0012 Underpass
Ma'qwa Urqu Temple of Saqra The Underpass
MiniLevel 0013 Beresad
MiniLevel 0014 DarkDescent
MiniLevel 0015 Emberspike
Beresad's Lair The Dark Descent Emberspike Depths


These levels are all unlocked when Emberspike Depths is beaten. Again, some levels are unlocked as part of mini-campaigns. There are no Elite levels available on the Flash version.

MiniLevel 0016 Tortuga
MiniLevel 0017 StormAtoll
MiniLevel 0018 SunkenCit
Port Tortuga
Storm Atoll
(Beat Port Tortuga)
The Sunken Citadel
(Beat Storm Atoll)
MiniLevel 0019 Bonesburg
MiniLevel 0020 DesGrove
MiniLevel 0021 Cheatau
Desecrated Grove
(Beat Bonesburg)
Dusk Chateau
(Beat Desecrated Grove)
MiniLevel 0022 Darlight
Darklight Depths


MiniLevel 0023 Nasde
MiniLevel TempEthEvl
Ruins of Nas'de
(Beat Nazeru's Gates)
Temple of Ethereal Evil
(Beat Temple of Saqra)

Kingdom Rush: Origins[]

Main Campaign[]

These levels are part of the original release of the game and must be unlocked one after each other.

MiniLevel 0001 Ravens
MiniLevel 0002 HighCross
MiniLevel 0003 Waterfalls
Gray Ravens The High Cross Waterfalls Trail
MiniLevel 0004 Redwood
MiniLevel 0005 RoyalGardens
MiniLevel 0006 Gryphon
Redwood Stand Royal Gardens Gryphon Point
MiniLevel 0007 Rockhenge
MiniLevel 0008 Grimmsburg
MiniLevel 0009 CrystalLake
Rockhenge Grimmsburg The Crystal Lake
MiniLevel 0010 Neverwonder
MiniLevel 0011 Unseelie
MiniLevel 0012 Ascent
Neverwonder The Unseelie Court The Ascent
MiniLevel 0013 Arcane
MiniLevel 0014 Retreat
MiniLevel 0015 Shrine
Arcane Quarters Mactans' Retreat Shrine of Elynie


These levels are all unlocked when Shrine of Elynie is beaten. All levels are unlocked as part of mini-campaigns.

Mini Galadrian
Mini Quarry
Mini Seat
Galadrian's Wall
Blood Quarry
(Beat Galadrian's Wall)
Beheader's Seat
(Beat Blood Quarry)
MiniLevel DuskwoodOutpost
MiniLevel DuredhelOutskirts
MiniLevel DwaramanGate
Duskwood Outpost
Duredhel Outskirts
(Beat Duskwood Outpost)
Dwaraman Gates
MiniLevel TaintedPit
Tainted Pit
(Beat Dwaraman Gates)


MiniLevel Endless Valors Rest
MiniLevel E Twi
Valor's Rest
(Beat Gryphon Point)
Twilight Invasion
(Beat Shrine of Elynie)

Kingdom Rush: Vengeance[]

Main Campaign[]

MiniLevel 001 VeznanTower
MiniLevel 002 DwarvenGate
MiniLevel 003 CorridorsOld
Vez'nan's Tower Dwarven Gate Corridors of the Old City
MiniLevel 004 KazanMines
MiniLevel 005 GoldenBrew
MiniLevel 006 ClockworkFactory
Kazan Mines Golden Brewery Clockwork Factory
MiniLevel 007 BolgursThrone
MiniLevel 008 NorthOutpost
MiniLevel 009 FrozenRapids
Bolgur's Throne Northerners' Outpost Frozen Rapids
MiniLevel 010 NorthVillage
MiniLevel 011 DragonBoneyard
MiniLevel 012 JokullNest
Northerners' Village Dragons' Boneyard Jokull's Nest
MiniLevel 013 OtilFarmland
MiniLevel 014 Silveroak
MiniLevel 015 CityLozagon
Otil Farmlands Silveroak Outpost City of Lozagon
MiniLevel 016 LightseekCamp
MiniLevel 017 DenasCastle
Lightseeker Camp Denas's Castle


These levels are all unlocked when Denas's Castle is beaten. All levels are unlocked as part of mini-campaigns.

MiniLevel 017 MaginiciaShores
MiniLevel 018 AnurianPlaza
MiniLevel 019 Pond of the Sage
Maginicia Shores
Anurian Plaza
(Beat Maginicia Shores)
Pond of the Sage
(Beat Anurian Plaza)
MiniLevel 020 BreakingIce
MiniLevel 021 IntoMountains
MiniLevel 022 FrozenThrone
Breaking the Ice
Into the Mountains
(Beat Breaking the Ice)
The Frozen Throne
(Beat Into the Mountains)
MiniLevel023 ReturnRott
MiniLevel024 Swamp
MiniLevel025 Ghosts
Back To The Rotten Forest
A Night In The Swamp
(Beat Back To The Rotten Forest)
The Ancient Ghosts
(Beat A Night In The Swamp)
MiniLevel026 AncientGate
MiniLevel027 CityofRivers
MiniLevel028 DragonsPower
Ancient Gate
City of Rivers
(Beat Ancient Gate)
Dragon's Power
(Beat City of Rivers)
MiniLevel029 ExcavationGateway
MiniLevel030 LostPassage
MiniLevel031 OriginalWorld
Excavation Gateway
Lost Passage
(Beat Excavation Gateway)
The Original World
(Beat Lost Passage)


These levels are all unlocked as part of the Hammerhold DLC Package.

MiniLevelHH001 WizardsLanding
MiniLevelHH002 SapeOasis
MiniLevelHH003 LostEmpire
Wizard's Landing
Sape Oasis
(Beat Wizard's Landing)
The Lost Empire
(Beat Sape Oasis)
MiniLevelHH004 HammerholdStreets
MiniLevelHH005 GrandArena
Hammerhold Streets
(Beat The Lost Empire)
The Grand Arena
(Beat Hammerhold Streets)

Pirate Kings[]

These levels are all unlocked as part of the Pirate Kings DLC Package.

MiniLevel037 CorsairsBrotherhood
MiniLevel038 MonkeyIsland
MiniLevel039 SharkpoolReef
Corsairs Brotherhood
Monkey Island
(Beat Corsairs Brotherhood)
Sharkpool Reef
(Beat Monkey Island)
MiniLevel040 SkullwreckBay
MiniLevel041 TreasureIsland
Skullwreck Bay
(Beat Sharkpool Reef)
Treasure Island
(Beat Skullwreck Bay)

Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance[]

Main Campaign[]

LevelPrev 001 SeaofTrees
LevelPrev 002 GuardianGate
LevelPrev 003 HeartoftheForest
Sea of Trees The Guardian Gate The Heart of the Forest
LevelPrev 004 EmeraldTreetops
LevelPrev 005 RavagedOutskirts
LevelPrev 006 WildbeastDen
Emerald Treetops Ravaged Outskirts The Wildbeast Den
LevelPrev 007 BleakValley
LevelPrev 008 CarmineMines
LevelPrev 009 WickedCrossing
Bleak Valley Carmine Mines Wicked Crossing
LevelPrev 010 TempleCourtyard
LevelPrev 011 CanyonPlateau
LevelPrev 012 BlightedFarmlands
Temple Courtyard Canyon Plateau Blighted Farmlands
LevelPrev 013 DesecratedTemple
LevelPrev 014 CorruptionValley
LevelPrev 015 EyesoreTower
Desecrated Temple Corruption Valley The Eyesore Tower
LevelPrev 016 HungersPeak
Hunger's Peak

All items (154)
