Kingdom Rush Wiki

Mini-Bosses are special enemies that are far stronger than regular enemies, yet not quite as strong or important as bosses. Some only appear in endless mode, while others appear as infrequent spawns in waves or through special means in levels. Like bosses, they are immune to insta-kills and other similar effects.

Kingdom Rush[]

MiniBox HobgoblinChief
MiniBox Cerebus
Hobgoblin Chief Cerberus

Kingdom Rush: Frontiers[]

MiniBox Anoobis
MiniBox ReaperLord
MiniBox JackOLantern
Anoobis Reaper Lord Jack O'Lantern

Kingdom Rush: Origins[]

MiniBox GnollWar
MiniBox TwiBrute
Gnoll Warleader Twilight Brute

Kingdom Rush: Vengeance[]

MiniBox WarPhant
MiniBox DrumPhant
MiniBox Megalodon
War Elephant Drum Elephant Megalodon

Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance[]

MiniBox RagRhino
MiniBox CrystalGolem
MiniBox FleshBehemoth
MiniBox Deathwood
Razing Rhino Crystal Golem Flesh Behemoth Deathwood

All items (13)
