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Deirdre the Priestess

Dierdre the Priestess is a hero in Kingdom Rush: Frontiers. She starts at level 4, costs $0.99 on Flash, $0.99 on mobile versions, and is unlocked at stage 10 on the Steam version.



Diedre 1 HOLY LIGHT DierdreHoly (active) (cooldown: 6 seconds) (1/2/3 hero points):

Healing affects up to 2/3/4 allies*, healing them for 25/50/75 life each, with a 10%/20%/30% chance of reviving fallen ones.
*: Excludes Death Rider, skeleton minions, Frankie.

Diedre 2 CONSECRATE DierdreConsecrate (active) (cooldown: 8 seconds) (2/2/3 hero points):

Grants a tower a bonus of 15%/20%/25% damage for 6/10/14 seconds.

Diedre 3 WINGS OF LIGHT DierdreWings (active) (3/1/1 hero points):

Grants teleportation while blessing allies' armor (+20%) for 10/20/30 seconds.

Diedre 4 BLESSED ARMOR (passive) (2/2/2 hero points):

Improves Dierdre's armor rating to Low (25%) / medium (50%) / high (75%).

Diedre 5 DIVINE HEALTH (passive) (1/2/3 hero points):

Increases Dierdre's life by 30/60/90 points.


  • Dierdre has increased regeneration.

Base stats[]

Ranged Damage: Magic Damage

Melee Damage: Physical Damage

Level HP Magic Damage (1.4s) & Melee Damage (1.0s) Armor Respawn
4 240
6-19 None


5 260
7-21 None


6 280
8-23 None


7 300
9-26 None


8 320
10-28 None


9 340
11-30 None


10 360
11-32 None



Tips and Tricks[]

  • Dierdre is a magic support hero that specializes in blocking enemies and reinforce her chokepoints with the help of her skills.
  • The more towers you have, the more useful Dierdre will become. This is due to her ability, Consecrate, which grants a tower bonus damage and has a short cooldown.
  • HOLY LIGHT serves as a means to rejuvenate units in a chokepoint and the added effect of reviving fallen allies.
    • In order to utilize it's full potential, player should have some barracks chokepoints, and it's better to group the soldiers at the same place.
    • Place many soldiers at the same place, and enjoy the Holy Light. Even if the barracks are at a low level, Dierdre will heal the soldiers, and reviving some. When Holy Light is activated, each fallen soldier has 30% chance of being revived (tier 3), so if many soldiers are dead, Dierdre can resurrect the fallen units. Moreover, this skill recharges very fast, so the soldiers can block and even kill the enemies easily.
    • This strategy can be used well at almost all situations, even when the player is facing strong or ranged enemies.
    • High level barracks can kill the enemies, but it will take a lot of time, so you can place an Artillery to do some damage.
    • When facing enemies which deal splash damage, it's better to let each 3 soldiers confront the enemies, and put the others far enough to take no damage from the attack. The 3 "meat shield" should be the level 3 Barrack or the Knight Templar.
      • Holy Light can heal secondary heroes, barracks soldiers, reinforcements, mercenaries, but can only revive barracks soldiers.
      • This skill can help allies survive the Parasyte's attaching longer.
      • Even if you don't use the barrack, Holy Light and reinforcements can block the enemies well.
      • When soldiers are burned (by being instant-killed or being killed by the Saurian Blazefang), Dierdre can revive them, but after that they cannot be seen. They are still be able to fight and block as normal soldiers.
  • WINGS OF LIGHT not only grants Dierdre the ability to teleport but also improves friendly units' armor by 20%. Those allies will have a blue circle under their feet.
    • Once Wings of Light is upgraded, a periodic quick teleport away and back will bless your units' armor. Note that when Dierdre lands near an ally which has already had the "blue effect", the duration of the effect will not be refreshed.
    • Dierdre is a good companion to Skeletons as her armor buff stacked on top of the Death Knight's buff gives them surprising durability. When affected by both this skill and the Death Knight's buff, a Skeleton will have Medium(50%) armor, and a Skeleton Knight will have High(80%) armor. With 80 HP and High armor (400EHP) A Skeleton Knight can sustain 5 to 10 hits from a Gorillon before dying.
    • Under the effect of this skill, both level 3 Barracks and the Knights Templar have High armor, making them very good meat shields and blockers. With Wings of Light and Holy Light, the HP they gain is more than the HP they lose, even when they are facing the mighty Gorillon. Each attack from the Gorillon (or each javelin from the Poukai Rider) will do only from 12 to 32 damage.
    • Level 1 soldiers, under the effect of this skill, will have Medium armor (if you already have the fourth upgrade for the barracks).
    • This skill allows Dierdre to move across impassable terrain in the Rising Tides campaign.
  • CONSECRATE boosts the damage of the towers. As it has a short cooldown with a longer buff duration (14s), you will be able to bless a maximum of 2 towers whilst in the area.
    • Try to position Dierdre directly next to the tower you want to buff, otherwise she will upgrade any tower she wants.
    • This skill have a relatively short range, so if the player do not pay attention, this skill will not be activated.
    • This skill affect the tower's normal attacks, but does not affect their special abilities.
    • This skill can be greatly utilized for levelling up Dierdre, this is because she can use the skill while idle before the first wave of a level has been called.
    • At tier 3, the duration of Consecrate is longer than the cooldown, so sometimes this skill affects 2 towers. Try to do it to increase the effectiveness of the skill.
    • The following table shows the sole effects of Consecrate, and the combined effects with Upgrades (not counting Brilliance upgrade).
Tower Type Damage (+ Consecrate) Damage with Upgrades (+ Consecrate)
Archer Tower 4-6 (5-7 / 5-8 / 5-8) 6-8 (7-10 / 8-10 / 8 -10)
Marksmen 7-11 (9-13 / 9-14 / 9-14) 9-14 (11-17 / 11-17 / 12-18)
Sharpshooter 10-16 (12-19 / 12-20 / 13-20) 13-19 (15-22 / 16-23 /1 7-24)
Crossbow Fort 15-23 (18-27 / 18-28 / 19-29) 18-28 (21-33 / 22-34 / 23-35)
Tribal Axethrowers 25-40 (29-46 / 30-48 / 32-50) 30-47 (35-55 / 36-57 / 38-59)
Mage Tower 9-17 (11-20 / 11-21 / 12-22) 10-19 (12-22 / 12-23 / 13-24)
Adept Tower 23-43 (27-50 / 28-52 / 29-54) 26-48 (30-56 / 32-58 / 33-60)
Wizard Tower 40-74 (46-86 / 48-89 / 50-93) 44-82 (51-95 / 53-99 / 55-103)
Archmage 60-120 (69-138 / 72-144 / 75-150) 66-132 (76-152 / 80-159 / 83-165)
Necromancer 20-70 (23-81 / 24-84 / 25-88) 22-77 (26-89 / 27-93 / 30-102)
Bombard 8-15 (10-18 / 10-18 / 10-19) 9-17 (11-20 / 11-21 / 12-22)
Artillery 20-40 (23-46 / 24-48 / 25-50) 22-44 (26-51 / 27-53 / 28-55)
Howitzer 30-60 (35-69 / 36-72 / 38-75) 33-66 (38-76 / 40-80 / 42-83)
DWAARP 25-45 (29-52 / 30-54 / 32-57) 28-50 (32-57 / 33-60 / 35-62)
Battle-Mecha T200 25-55 (29-64 / 30-66 / 32-69) 28-61 (33-71 / 34-74 / 35-77)
  • BLESSED ARMOR and DIVINE HEALTH make Dierdre become extremely durable that she will be able to take some hits without much worry.
    • Use her as a blocker or a meat shield if necessary. However, take note to move her back to range so she may continue to cast her abilities.
    • As she has increased regeneration, you can use her to absorb tons of damage, teleport her to a safe place, and she will have a full health bar just after 4 or 5 seconds.
    • If these are upgraded, don't be afraid to send her against foes like Executioners and Gorillons.


  • "Hallelujah!"
  • "For the fallen!"
  • "Purification is at hand..."
  • "My faithful, join me!"
  • "Say your prayers."
  • (upon death) "The Light, it shines..."


  • 'Dierdre' appears to be a misspelling of the Irish name Deirdre, which was borne by a tragic heroine in Irish mythology.
  • "Hallelujah"
    • A transliteration of the Hebrew word הַלְּלוּיָהּ, which is most commonly translated to mean 'praise the Lord'.
  • "Purification is at hand"
    • A line spoken by a disgruntled employee in The Simpsons episode 'Marge Gets A Job' (Series 4 episode 7). The full line is "I am the angel of death. The time of purification is at hand."
  • "My faithful, join me"
    • A quote made by the character Chen in Dota 2.
  • "For the fallen"
    • Possibly related to a poem of the same name written by Laurence Binyon. It's from this poem that the 'Ode of Remembrance' originates, which is used to honor those who died during World War I.
    • Dierdre is the only hero in the series to have 5 unique voicelines without the death voiceline


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