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Hero Spells, also called, Ultimate Spells are a spell in Kingdom Rush: Origins, Kingdom Rush: Vengeance and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance. Each Hero Spell corresponds to a hero and no two are the same. Like a hero's standard abilities, the Hero Spell can be upgraded in the Hero Room; unlike these abilities, it can be used without having to spend upgrade points on it. This means each spell has four levels of strength; the initial base plus three additional upgrades.

In Origins and Vengeance, the Hero Spell takes up the third spell slot. In Alliance, where the player controls two heroes at a time, each active hero's Hero Spell takes up one spell slot, since there is no longer an equivalent to Rain of Fire, Thunderbolt and Soul Impact.

Kingdom Rush: Origins[]

  • EridanSmallEridan 5 ARROW STORM
    • Blankets a wide area with a volley of 14/17/21/25 arrows, each dealing 24/31/42/60 True Damage.(Cooldown: 40 seconds)
  • ArivanSmallArivan 5 ELEMENTAL STORM
    • Summons an elemental tornado that slows and freezes enemies, shoots lightning and deals 150/210/320/500 area True Damage over 5/6/8/10 seconds. (Cooldown: 80 seconds)
  • CathaSmallCatha 5 FAERY DUST
    • A quick spell that stuns all enemies in an area for 2/3/4.5/6 seconds. (Cooldown: 25 seconds)
  • RazzRagsSmallRazzRag 5 CHANGELING
    • Transfigures up to 2/4/6/8 enemies into allied fighting Ragdolls for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
  • LilithSmallLilith 5 HEAVENLY CHAOS
    • A 50/50 chance to summon Fallen Angels or a rain of fire dealing 300/400/800/1200 True Damage (Fallen Angels) or 440/880/1320/1760 True Damage (Rain of Fire). (Cooldown: 50 seconds)
  • RegsonSmallRegson 5 VINDICATOR
    • Slays any single target. Deals 500/1000/1500/2000 True Damage to bosses. (Cooldown: 120/100/70/50 seconds)
  • PrinceDenasSmallPDenas 5 SWORN DEFENDERS
    • Calls 2/3/4/5 members of the Kingsguard to aid him for 25 seconds in battling the hordes of evil. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
  • XinSmallXin 5 PANDAEMONIUM
    • Calls 2/4/5/6 panda warriors that quickly attack enemies, each dealing 80/120/160/180 True Damage. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
  • LynnSmallLynn 5 FATE SEALED
    • Does 240/340/520/700 True Damage in 5 secs to its target. Explodes dealing 100/200/250/300 area True Damage if killed. (Cooldown: 30 seconds)
  • VeznanSmallVeznan 5 DARK PACT
    • Summons a mighty demon to fight enemies for 30 seconds, dealing 30-50/50-90/65-115/80-130 True Damage on every attack. (Cooldown: 120 seconds)
  • DuraxSmallDurax 5 SAPPHIRE FANGS
    • Summons sharp spikes over a wide area dealing 300/400/800/1200 True Damage distributed among enemies. (Cooldown: 45 seconds)
  • BravebarkSmallBravebark 5 NATURE'S WRATH
    • Densely covers a wide area with 6/9/12/15 spiked vines, each dealing 30/40/50/60 area True Damage. Stuns enemies struck by it for 1 second. (Cooldown: 40 seconds)
  • BruceSmallBruce 5 GUARDIAN LIONS
    • Summons 2/3/4/5 Guardian Lions, each dealing 64/96/112/128 True Damage and disabling their target for 3 seconds. Deals 150/200/350/500 True Damage each to bosses. (Cooldown: 45 seconds)
  • PhoenixSmallPhoenix 5 EMBER STORM
    • Sets an explosive egg that deals 20-65/55-105/120-220/200-400 area damage. (Cooldown: 18 seconds)
  • WilburSmallWilbur 5 PEWPEW DRONES
    • Calls 4 drones that attack enemies dealing 64/128/192/256 damage for 8 seconds. (Cooldown: 40 seconds)
  • FaustusSmallFaustus 5 DRAGON RAGE
    • Calls 3 dragonlings that ignite the path, dealing 60/90/150/210 area True Damage each over 6 seconds. (Cooldown: 40 seconds)

Kingdom Rush: Vengeance[]

    • Calls a pair of trained warmongers to aid Veruk for 10 seconds in the battlefield. (Cooldown: 40 seconds)
  • Icon AsraAsra HS TOXIC RAIN
    • Shoots 12 arrows that poison all affected enemies, each dealing 10/15/30/50 True Damage in a small area (area: 90) for 2 seconds. (Cooldown: 50 seconds)
  • Icon OlochOloch HS SEAL OF ISOLATION
    • Moves a group of enemies (max 10) back. Further upgrades increase the distance (15/25/35/45 nodes) and reduce the cooldown. (Cooldown: 30/27/24/20 seconds)
  • Icon MargosaMargosa HS BEAST FORM
    • Margosa turns into a beast thirsty for blood. (Cooldown: 50 seconds)
  • Icon MortemisMortemis HS ROTTEN BODYGUARD
    • Summons a Zombie Behemoth that deals area True Damage and fights for 15 seconds. (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
    • Creates a stampede of fire horses, causing panic to enemies for the duration and up to 160/320/480 True Damage. (Cooldown: 40 seconds)
  • Icon TraminTramin HS BOMBAGGEDON
    • Tosses a box on the road, 3/5/7/9 bombs will walk through it, dealing 80/120/170/200 physical damage each to enemies on impact. (Cooldown: 70 seconds)
  • Icon JigouJigou HS ICE ZONE
    • Creates a zone full of ice, slowing enemies by 15%/30%/40%/60% of their speed for 5 seconds and dealing 15/30/150/260 physical damage. (Cooldown: 55 seconds)
  • Icon JunpaiJunpaiUlti TERROR FROM THE DEEP
    • Summons Kraken for 8 seconds, which deals 6/10/20/30 physical damage per 0.5 second to all affected enemies inside the area. (Cooldown: 40 seconds)
  • GroshIconGroshUlti ORIGINAL TERROR
    • A wave of bones that runs through the path, dealing 20/40/60/80 physical damage to all ground enemies in its way and stunning them for 3 seconds. (Damage Area: 110) (Cooldown: 50 seconds)
  • IsfetSmallIsfet HS DARK TEMPEST
    • Calls upon a deadly storm that greatly slows enemies in an area while dealing 120/240/400 damage
  • LucernaSmallLucerna HS CURSED COLORS
    • Convoke Lucerna's battle flag, summoning Ghosts which haunt nearby enemies controlling them for 6/8/10/12 seconds
    • Calls a plane that tosses a napalm bomb on the road, burning enemies up to 40/60/140/240 damage (2/3/7/12 damage per 0.2 second). (Cooldown: 60 seconds)
  • Eiskalt IconEiskalt HS GLACIAL STORM
    • Freezes all enemies on the stage for 3/4/8/12 seconds. (Cooldown: 50 seconds)
  • Murglun IconMurglun HS ERUPTION
    • Rains magma and volcanic rocks from the sky, killing all enemies in an area. (Cooldown: 120/110/100/90 seconds)
  • Dianyun IconDianyun HS SON OF THE STORM
    • Summons a stationary dragon the deals 120-180 magic damage per shot. Expires after 3/5/10/15 shots.
  • Icon BeresadBeresad HS HELLFIRE SHOCKWAVE
    • Summons a rain of fire, dealing 25/60/120/180 damage (1/3/6/9 True Damage per 0.2 second) over 4 seconds to all enemies on the stage. (Cooldown: 70 seconds)

Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance[]

  • VesperSmallVesperUlti ARROW STORM
    • Showers an area with 16/20/24/28 arrows, each dealing 20/25/30/35 true damage to enemies.
  • RaelynSmallRaelyn5 COMMAND ORDERS
    • Summons a Dark Knight that deals True Damage and lasts 20 seconds.
  • NyruSmallNyruUlti ROOT DEFENDER
    • Spawns 10/15/20/25 roots over an area, each slowing by 40% and damaging enemies for 4-6/5-7/6-9/7-11 true damage every 0.25s as long as they remain in the area.
  • GrimsonSmallGrimsonUlti CREEPING DEATH
    • Fills an area with a gooey substance that slows all enemies caught within it by 50%. After 3 seconds, the goo transforms into spikes, dealing 150/200/250/300 true damage.
  • TorresSmallTorresUlti WRECKING BALL
    • Drops a giant steel ball on the path, dealing 100/160/240/320 physical damage and stunning enemies for 2 seconds in an area of 80.
  • TherienSmallTherienUlti COSMIC PRISON
    • Traps a group of enemies for 5/6/7/8 seconds, dealing 30/90/180/270 damage.
  • AnyaSmallAnyaUlti HUNTER'S AID
    • Summons a projection of Dante that deals True Damage and slows enemies by 75% in an area (80). Revives Anya if her body is within 150 range.
  • WarheadSmallWarheadUlti MOTOR HEAD
    • Drops an engine onto the path, which travels toward the entrance. Deals 40/80/160/260 physical damage to any enemies it runs into and burning them for 4 true damage per second for 4 seconds.
  • OnagroSmallOnagroUlti DEATH FROM ABOVE
    • Calls a Goblin Zeppelin that bombards enemies near the target area, dealing 40-60/48-72/56-84/64-96 damage per attack
  • BrodenSmallBrodenUlti BIRDS OF FRAY
    • Summons Gryphons that fly around and strike enemies, dealing 25/36/50 damage for each strike.
  • LumenirSmallLumenirUlti CALL OF TRIUMPH
    • Summons 3 warriors of light which briefly stun nearby enemies and deal 13-19/19-29/32-48/51-77 True Damage
  • KosmyrSmallKosmyrUlti CRYSTAL AVALANCHE
    • Summons 4/6/8 crystal barrages that deal 72-108/88-132/104-156 true damage to enemies caught in the area.

Upgrades grant an additional benefit to spells from both Linirean and Dark Army Heroes

  • KR5AUp Vitality BLESSING OF VITALITY (3 upgrade point): Linirean Hero Spells now also heal and re-spawn all allied units
  • KR5AUp Curse OMINOUS CURSE (3 upgrade point): Dark Army Hero Spells now also slow all enemies on the screen

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