Immortals are moderately armored enemies encountered in Kingdom Rush: Frontiers.
Relentless elite warriors with a reputation for invincibility.
Immortals can be said to be a stronger version of Dune Raiders, having higher hp, attack power, armor and even taking twice the amount of lives, should they escape. After death, Immortals will turn to ash and a Fallen will appear in their place, with less hp and no armor, but the same damage.
- Mages should be used, as Immortals have fairly high armor.
- Even upgraded soldiers will die quite easily to them, so other towers have to be used for support.
- Rain of fire seems to kill them in one use with the second upgrade.
- The Fallen spawned afterwards is much easier to kill.
- Immortals might be inspired of by men by the same name from the 300 graphic novel and subsequent film adaption. Here the Immortals are the personal guard of Xerxes and have similar Mengu-style metal masks.
- The Immortals themselves are taken from our real world history. Soldiers in the Achaemenid Empire were named by Herodotus, for their custom of replacing any sick or wounded soldier almost immediately with a new healthy soldier.