Kingdom Rush Wiki
Kingdom Rush Kingdom Rush: Frontiers Kingdom Rush: Origins Kingdom Rush: Vengeance Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance

AAch LearningTheRopes LEARNING THE ROPES (30 gems) Finish the Tutorial with 3 stars.

AAch TippingTheScales TIPPING THE SCALES (30 gems) Throw Robin Wood to the river.

AAch FieldTripRuiner FIELD TRIP RUINER (30 gems) Put out the camper's fire.

AAch ItsASecretToEveryone IT'S A SECRET TO EVERYONE (50 gems) Help Lank fish 5 rupees.

AAch CircleOfLife CIRCLE OF LIFE (30 gems) Attend the presentation of the newborn Arborean.

AAch PlayfulFriends PLAYFUL FRIENDS (30 gems) Play "burrow" with all of the Arboreans in the Heart of the Forest.

AAch MostDelicious MOST DELICIOUS (30 gems) Feed some honey to Biggie the Arborean.

AAch NaturesWrath NATURE'S WRATH (50 gems) Kill 30 enemies using the Heart of the Arboreans.

AAch MightyI MIGHTY I (50 gems) Slay 500 enemies.

AAch GreenlitAllies GREENLIT ALLIES (30 gems) Summon 10 Arborean Thornspears.

AAch GameOver GAME OVER (30 gems) Push the Arboreans from the treetops.

AAch CleanupIsOptional CLEANUP IS OPTIONAL (30 gems) Complete the Ravaged Outskirts without clearing rubble from the strategic points.

AAch Runequest RUNEQUEST (30 gems) Activate all six runes throughout the Everadiant Forest.

AAch NoneShallPass NONE SHALL PASS! (50 gems) Complete the Wildbeast Den without letting extra enemies go through the door.

Aach CraftingInTheMines CRAFTING IN THE MINES (30 gems) Collect all three pork chops in the Wildbeast Den.

AAch PorksOffTheMenu PORK'S OFF THE MENU (50 gems) Defeat Goregrind.

AAch TangledUp TANGLED UP (50 gems) Defeat Goregrind before jumping in Impossible difficulty.

AAch SaviourOfTheGreen SAVIOUR OF THE GREEN (50 gems) Get 3 stars on every stage of the Everadiant Forest.�

AAch NotAMomentToWaste NOT A MOMENT TO WASTE (30 gems) Call 15 waves early.

AAch SilverForMonsters SILVER FOR MONSTERS (30 gems) Help Gerhart slay the tree monster.

AAch CrowScarer CROW SCARER (30 gems) Scare all the crows in Bleak Valley.

AAch WereNotGonnaTakeIt WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT (50 gems) Kill 15 Twisted Sisters before they can spawn a Nightmare.

AAch BreakerOfChains BREAKER OF CHAINS (50 gems) Save the four elves in the Carmine Mines.

AAch GemSpiller GEM SPILLER (30 gems) Break all of the gem baskets.

AAch UnboundVictory UNBOUND VICTORY (50 gems) Complete the Wicked Crossing without any Nightmares turning into Armored Nightmares.

AAch GetThePartyStarted GET THE PARTY STARTED (30 gems) Solve the puzzle and summon the band.

AAch PromotionDenied PROMOTION DENIED (50 gems) Kill 30 Cult Priests before they transform into Abominations

AAch Starlight STARLIGHT (30 gems) Help Fredo and Sammy escape from the Giant Spider.

AAch GloryToTheKing GLORY TO THE KING (100 gems) Rescue the Linirean King.

AAch YouShallNotCast YOU SHALL NOT CAST! (50 gems) Save King Denas without letting Seeress Mydrias cast projections in Impossible Difficulty.

AAch CrystalClear CRYSTAL CLEAR (100 gems) Get 3 stars on every stage of the Forsaken Canyon.

AAch MightyII MIGHTY II (100 gems) Slay 3000 enemies.

AAch AllTheSmallThings ALL THE SMALL THINGS (50 gems) Eliminate 182 Blinkers.

AAch TheCavalryIsHere THE CAVALRY IS HERE! (30 gems) Call 1000 Reinforcements.

AAch WeirderThings WEIRDER THINGS (50 gems) Help Ernie and Daston repel the Blinkers in the Blighted Farmlands.

AAch OvineJournalism OVINE JOURNALISM (50 gems) Find Sheepy in each campaign terrain.

AAch OneShotAtGlory ONE SHOT AT GLORY (50 gems) Eliminate 10 enemies with a single Darkray Tower beam.

AAch CrowdControl CROWD CONTROL (50 gems) Complete the Corruption Valley without any Flesh Behemoth spawning from the pit.

AAch WobbaLubbaDubDub WOBBA-LUBBA-DUB-DUB! (30 gems) Repair Nick and Marty's portal gun.

AAch PestControl PEST CONTROL (30 gems) Kill 300 Glarelings.

AAch TurnABlindEye TURN A BLIND EYE (50 gems) Kill 100 Corruption Spawns while they are under the effects of the Glare.

AAch TakeOnMe TAKE ON ME (30 gems) Return Riff the Goblin to his home dimension.

AAch SlipperySoldiers SLIPPERY SOLDIERS (50 gems) Complete The Eyesore Tower while preventing Mydrias from ensnaring your units.

AAch ByeByeBeautiful BYE, BYE, BEAUTIFUL (100 gems) Defeat Seeress Mydrias.

AAch Conjunctivictory CONJUNCTIVICTORY (150 gems) Defeat the Overseer.

AAch ConquerorOfTheVoid CONQUEROR OF THE VOID (§50 gems) Get 3 stars on every stage of the Void Beyond.

AAch LinireanResistance LINIREAN RESISTANCE (50 gems) Win a stage using only towers and heroes.

AAch DarkRuthlessness DARK RUTHLESSNESS (50 gems) Win a stage using only towers and heroes.

AAch UnendingRiches UNENDING RICHES (50 gems) Collect a total of 150000 gold.

AAch SignatureTechniques SIGNATURE TECHNIQUES (30 gems) Use Hero Powers 500 times.

AAch RoyalCaptain ROYAL CAPTAIN (50 gems) Reach level 10 with Vesper.

AAch DarkLieutenant DARK LIEUTENANT (50 gems) Reach level 10 with Raelyn.

AAch ForestProtector FOREST PROTECTOR (50 gems) Reach level 10 with Nyru.

AAch UntamedBeast UNTAMED BEAST (50 gems) Reach level 10 with Grimson.

AAch MightyIII MIGHTY III (150 gems) Slay 10000 enemies.

AAch AgeOfHeroes AGE OF HEROES (500 gems) Win all the Heroic Mode campaign challenges.

AAch IronClad IRONCLAD (500 gems) Win all the Iron Mode campaign challenges.

AAch SeasonedGeneral SEASONED GENERAL (100 gems) Complete the Campaign on Veteran difficulty.

AAch MasterTactician MASTER TACTICIAN (250 gems) Complete the Campaign on Impossible difficulty.
