Kingdom Rush Wiki
Kingdom Rush Kingdom Rush: Frontiers Kingdom Rush: Origins Kingdom Rush: Vengeance Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance

OrAchP1 1Party GET THE PARTY STARTED Win stage 1 with 3 stars.

OrAchP1 2Gnoll GNOLLBUSTER Defeat 900 gnolls.

OrAchP1 3Shez SHENZI, BANZAI & ED End stage 3 without scaring more than 3 hyenas.

OrAchP1 4Dwarf DWARF FALLS Save 13 barrelled dwarves.

OrAchP1 5Tail BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR Don't let the hero die against an Ettin on Stage 4.

OrAchP1 6George GEORGE FALL Find George!

OrAchP1 7Sciss SCISSORFINGER Find the matching bushes.

OrAchP1 8Ace ACE OF SPADES Complete stage 5 without building any barracks.

OrAchP1 9DogF DOGFIGHT ACE Have your Gryphon Riders defeat 25 Perythons.

OrAchP1 10Magic GATHERING THE MAGIC Defeat 80 enemies with the Magic Blossoms.

OrAchP1 11Rabbit FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT Scare 11 idle white rabbits!

OrAchP1 12Srs WHY SO SERIOUS? Defeat Hi-Hi Enha, the Gnoll Chieftain.

OrAchP1 13ElfWd ROBIN OF ELFWOOD Earn 3 stars on each Elven Woods campaign stage.

OrAchP1 14Starg STARGAZER Earn 15 stars.

OrAchP2 1Peek PEEKABOO Find the three playing friends.

OrAchP2 2Candy CANDY RUSH Save Hans and Ethel.

OrAchP2 3FeeFi FEE-FI-FO-FUM! Grow the beanstalk to the clouds!

OrAchP2 4JurLk JURASSIC LAKE Crystallise a single creep for more than 10 seconds.

OrAchP2 5Garg GARGAMEL Squish 10 gnomes!

OrAchP2 6Shroom SHROOM SAYS Complete a 9 tap challenge of the Shroom Game.

OrAchP2 7Gloom GLOOMICIDE Defeat 100 gloomies before they duplicate.

OrAchP2 8KillTm KILLER TOMATOES! Defeat 500 enemies with the Venom Vines.

OrAchP2 9GrdSng GARDEN SONG Activate 50 magical plants.

OrAchP2 10Vorpal VORPAL BLADE Defeat 5 Bandersnatchs only by dealing them damage.

OrAchP2 11RedWr I MEANT THE RED WIRE Have your soldiers avoid 50 blasting spell explosions.

OrAchP2 12Pix PIXIEBELL Earn 3 stars on each Faery Grove campaign stage.

OrAchP2 13GoThr GAME OF THRONES Defeat Malicia!

OrAchP2 14Stard STARDUST Earn 30 stars.

OrAchP3 1MoveIt I LIKE TO MOVE IT Entertain the funny lemur.

OrAchP3 2MrPig CALL ME MR. PIG Make the Razorboars trample and kill 20 enemies.

OrAchP3 3SorAp SORCERER'S APPRENTICE Find the three apprentice relics!

OrAchP3 4DnD D&D Have Beresad and Ashbite defeat 100 enemies.

OrAchP3 5Trap IT'S A TRAP! Prevent Mactans from webbing at least 8 towers.

OrAchP3 6Bros BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER Have your Renegades defeat 50 twilight elves.

OrAchP3 7Wint WINTER IS COMING Freeze 100 enemies with the Sorcerer's Stones.

OrAchP3 8Bigg THE BIGGER THEY ARE... Defeat 7 Twilight Golems before they walk past half the stage.

OrAchP3 9Splen CITY OF SPLENDORS Earn 3 stars on each Ancient City campaign stage.

OrAchP3 10Champ WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS Defeat the Spider Goddess!

OrAchP3 11RockSt ROCKSTAR Earn 50 stars.

OrAchP3 12Starc STARCRAFT Earn all stars.

OrAchP3 13ArtoW THE ART OF WAR Read all tip cards.

OrAchP3 14SimC SIMCITY Build a level 4 tower on every Strategic Point of a stage.

OrAchP4 1GrnAr GREEN ARROW Defeat 500 enemies with reinforcements' projectiles.

OrAchP4 2WarCh WAR NEVER CHANGES Have 1500 of your own soldiers defeated in battle.

OrAchP4 3Ding DING! DING! DING! Raise all 3 basic heroes to level 10.

OrAchP4 4Bone THE BONE COLLECTOR Collect 100000 gold from defeated enemies.

OrAchP4 5TorD TRUTH OR DARE Call 13 or more early waves on any given stage.

OrAchP4 6OnlyC ONLY COUNTS AS ONE Defeat 10 enemies with a single Thunderbolt.

OrAchP4 7Giga 1.21 GIGAWATTS! Cast 1210 Thunderbolts.

OrAchP4 8Hero I NEED A HERO Complete 3 stages without the hero dying.

OrAchP4 9NotTdy NOT TODAY! Complete 7 stages without the hero dying.

OrAchP4 10Tribt I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE Deploy 500 or more reinforcements into battle.

OrAchP4 11Footl FOOTLOOSE Perfect Parry for a total of 1000 damage.

OrAchP4 12Taurl TAURIEL APPRENTICE Make 600 Blade Dance moves.

OrAchP4 13Plant 1, 2, 3... PLANT! Grow 100 barbed vines!

OrAchP4 14Kingsf KINGSFOIL LEAVES Give regeneration 25 times to the same soldier.

OrAchP5 1Rambo RAMBO STYLE Defeat 50 flying enemies with Burst Arrows.

OrAchP5 2Lull LULLABY! Defeat 50 sleeping enemies.

OrAchP5 3Phant PHANTOM ZONED Keep enemies out of time for a total of 1000 seconds.

OrAchP5 4RedFv RED FIVE Complete any stage with 5 active Arcane Sentinels.

OrAchP5 5Kindof IT'S A KIND OF MAGIC Defeat 50 enemies with Eldritch Doom explosions.

OrAchP5 6Count COUNTER MASTER Defeat 250 silenced enemies.

OrAchP5 7Valar VALAR MORGHULIS Mark a total of 5 targets simultaneously.

OrAchP5 8Killtc KILLTACULAR! Crimson Sentence 10 enemies in a single wave.

OrAchP5 9Beorn BEORNINGS Have 8 or more Runed Bears in any single stage.

OrAchP5 10PnGn NO PAIN, NO GAIN Deal over 100000 damage with Sylvan Curse.

OrAchP5 11Heavy HEAVYWEIGHT CLASS Stun 10 or more enemies with a single clobber.

OrAchP5 12WildF WILDFIRE HARVEST Throw 1000 burning nuts.

OrAchP6 3HoldLine HOLD THE LINE! Survive 10 waves in Valor's Rest.

OrAchP6 4Notyet NOT YET... NOT YET... Survive 20 waves in Valor's Rest.

OrAchP6 5NeverTell NEVER TELL ME THE ODDS Survive 30 waves in Valor's Rest.

OrAch ComeGet COME AND GET THEM! Kill a total of 10000 enemies in Valor's Rest.

OrAchP6 7WithShield WITH YOUR SHIELD OR ON IT Have 300 soldiers die in a single Valor's Rest run.

Ach SYGrndSTAND YOUR GROUND! Survive 20 waves of the Twilight Invasion.

Ach RSunRA RED SUN RISES Survive 40 waves of the Twilight Invasion.

Ach DCountTHAT DOESN'T COUNT! Kill 43 Twilight Brutes.

OrAch Gnollum GNOLLUM Defeat 100 Bloodsydian Gnolls.

OrAch MItHew MITCHELL-HEDGES Collect the 3 strange skulls.

OrAch Malik MALIK UNCHAINED Help Malik escape.

OrAch WilE WILE E. Help Wile E. capture the elusive bird.

OrAch Behead OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! Defeat Bram the Beheader.

Ach PestControl PEST CONTROL Kill 100 Mounted Avengers.

Ach Nimloth NIMLOTH THE FAIR Stun 200 enemies with the white tree's power.

Ach BagRice MY LORD BAG OF RICE Defeat Baj'Nimen the hateful warlord.

Ach BanSaga THE BANNER SAGA Have Bolverk kill 100 enemies

Ach PickofD THE PICK OF DESTINY Defeat Godieth the Dark Balrog

OrAchP5 13GDefn GREAT DEFENDER Complete the Campaign on Normal difficulty.

OrAchP5 14Heroc HEROIC RUSH Complete all Heroic Challenges.

OrAchP6 1Iron IRON RUSH Complete all Iron Challenges.

OrAchP6 2Suprm SUPREME DEFENDER Complete the Campaign on Veteran difficulty.

PeerlessDefPEERLESS DEFENDER Complete the Campaign on Impossible difficulty. Steam version only

Achievement Solutions

Self explanatory achievements have been omitted from this list, unless the circumstances of receiving them are more difficult than usual

    • Keep your Hero away from the Ettins, or come back to the level when your Hero is at a higher level.
    • In the top right of the screen a thin vine is draped across the corner. Tap it a few times for George to swing into the tree (ouch).
    • There are three hedges in the garden portraying gaming characters. Tap on them until they all appear as a T-Rex. On the Steam version, the bushes are random. The mutual type changes each time the level is started, therefore the player has to experiment a bit.
    • The row of houses in the bottom right corner of Grimmsburg is home to three fairytale friends. The Big Bad Wolf, Red Riding Hood and a Little Pig. When they appear, tap them. You need all three in one play of the level.
    • Tap the candy house in Grimmsburg an a witch will come out. Tap the witch repeatedly to kill her. If she goes back inside, just tap to bring her out again. When she disintegrates, Hans and Ethel will be free.
    • In the top left corner of Grimmsburg is a small plant in an open space. Tap it a few times to grow it up and off the top of the screen. A chest for 150 gold will fall down as an extra reward.
    • Minding their own business around the edges of Neverwonder are tiny purple gnomes. Tap them to make them vanish. If you run out before the achievement is awarded, don't worry, as they will come back after a short time.
    • Play the Shroom Game 9 times in a row without losing. You can only play after the first wave has been called. Come back to this level after you have a high level hero and lots of Upgrades so you can build a sufficient defense, allowing you to play the game without being distracted.
    • In the space between the ruins at the bottom of the map, a number of vines stretch across the sky. Every so often a funny lemur will wander across. Tap him once for him to stand up and dance away.
    • Use Teleport Scrolls to shift a Razorboar back behind other enemies. Place Reinforcements just ahead of it to encourage it to run through the enemies. This may take several tries. The Ascent is the best place, as the Razorboar often spawns alongside Sword Spiders
    • Three artifacts can be found in the Arcane Quarters. A blue wizards hat, a mop & a magic book. Tap all three to make them vanish.
    • Group two or more Forest Keepers together and give them all the first stage of Circle of Life. Keep a Hero near them so it is always in range of their healing, and don't let the hero die.
    • Play Mactans' Retreat on Veteran. Defend your exists with high level Barracks, and fill every other spot with a Golden Longbows. Upgrade each with level 2 Hunters Mark. Call waves early, and avoid using Thunderbolt. Do not worry about leaking enemies, unless you are at risk of losing the level before it is up. This may take several tries as it relies on luck, and being near the final waves.
    • Use Teleport Scrolls to shift groups of enemies back along the path so there are several clumped together. The Iron Challenge of The Unseelie Court is also a great place to get the achievement.
    • From the start of wave 2 in Blood Quarry, the enslaved Malik will emerge from the north-east cave alongside two Gnoll Gnawers. Aim a Thunderbolt over them, to allow Malik to break free of his chains, pick up a neat hammer that falls from the skies, and join you in battle.
  • WILE E.
    • Tap the bushes in the middle of the level a few times to coax roadrunner out of the bushes.
