Kingdom Rush Wiki
I am raw power!

DarkArmy Flag

Kosmyr is a premium hero in Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance, and a member of the Dark Army.


Kosmyr's isolated life was interrupted when the Cult began their operations in the Forsaken Canyon. Wanting to get rid of the intruders, the dragon made a deal with Vez'nan to join the Alliance against a mutual enemy.


Kosmyr1 PARALYZING BREATH (active, 16 seconds) (3/2/1 hero points)

Crystallizes a group of enemies, stunning them for 2/3/4 seconds.
Can be used on a single enemy.

Kosmyr2 PRISMATIC SHARDS (active, 25 seconds) (2/2/2 hero points)

Diving on the path below, Kosmyr grows spikes across the paths around him, dealing 24-35/48-72/72-108 physical damage to each enemy hit.
Requires 2 enemies nearby to activate. The ability can only be used if Kosmyr is placed above a path.

Kosmyr3 GARNET TOMB (active, 35 seconds) (3/3/3 hero points)

Encase an enemy with less than 200/400/800 max HP in a crystal for a few seconds. The crystal then explodes, killing the target instantly and dealing 32/76/96 true damage around it.

Kosmyr4 POWER CONDUIT (active, 20 seconds) (1/1/1 hero points)

Kosmyr throws a crystal on the path that reduces enemy speed by 75% and deals 8/16/25 magic damage every 0.5 seconds around it. Lasts for 6/8/10 seconds.
(The in-game description is wrong, the skill slows by 25% and deals damage every 1 second)

Ultimate Spell[]

KosmyrUlti CRYSTAL AVALANCHE (active, 45 seconds) (3/4/5 hero points)

Summons 4/6/8 crystal barrages that deal 72-108/88-132/104-156 true damage to enemies caught in the area.
Cannot target flying enemies.


After traveling 300 units, Kosmyr's next basic attack is empowered, dealing 3 times the normal amount (105-165 at level 10).


Kosmyr has a movement speed of 100

Level HP Heal Rate Ranged Damage
Armor Respawn
1 300 24 13-18 None (0%) 30s
2 330 26 15-23 None (0%) 30s
3 360 29 18-26 None (0%) 30s
4 390 31 20-30 None (0%) 30s
5 420 34 22-34 None (0%) 30s
6 450 36 25-37 None (0%) 30s
7 480 38 27-41 None (0%) 30s
8 510 41 30-44 None (0%) 30s
9 545 43 32-49 None (0%) 30s
10 580 46 35-55 None (0%) 30s

Tips and Tricks[]

Hero Synergy[]

Kosmyr is a hero with good crowd control, powers that are very effective against large waves of enemies, and one instant kill ability. It's usually best to place him in battle against large waves of enemies, as his crowd control abilities and powers that are very good at hitting a wide area can make him very effective against multiple groups of enemies.

Kosmyr can also be very effective against wizard enemies because his health is high so the wizard powers don't have much effect on him, and also because none of his powers attack from magic which means the defense of the wizard enemies won't help against him.

However, it is important to note that his Ultimate Spell is relatively weak compared to other dragon heroes in the game such as Beresad or Faustus.


Kosmyr wasn't always a crystal dragon. At the beginning of his journey he was a completely ordinary dragon, every day he flew above the sky to the sound of his wingspan, but one day he saw a mountain with deep caves on it that did not see the end of them, Kosmyr's curiosity was awakened and he flew towards the cave to take a close look at it. But Kosmyr did not know that at that moment he entered the Bloodsydian caves! from which man he returned as he entered.

Bloodsydian's chaotic energy began to change the body of every creature the crystal touched, including Kosmyr.

After prolonged exposure to these crystals Kosmyr's physical form changed! Crystals of the same type grew on his back, his entire body turned gray, and his eyes all glowed red. But the most important thing is that these crystals gave him tremendous powers even though he doesn't use them much because he doesn't come out of his cave very often.

And so Kosmyr, the crystal dragon, was born.


  • "I am raw power!!"
  • "My fate is crystal clear!"
  • "Begone, vermin!"
  • "Their armies will tremble!"
  • "I... shall reform!" (death)



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