Kingdom Rush Wiki
My bow is ready.

Ranger Lokr Profile


Rangers are agile and versatile forest dwellers that excels at harassing enemies with flurries of arrows, poisonous darts, and incredible trick shots of all kinds.

Ranger is the first Companion to be unlocked in Legends of Kingdom Rush, who is introduced in Gerald's Great Escape!



Level HP Armor Attack Speed Range
1 4 0 4 2 4
2 4 0 5 2 5
3 5 2 6 3 5


Ranger Lokr Trait 1 Agility : The Hero may move after performing a simple action if they didn't move on this turn.

KeenFocus Lokr TraitKeen Focus : Gains +2 attack for 1 LokR Duration Icon if ending turn without skill use.

Affliction Lokr KeenFocus This unit has +2 attack for this turn


Tier 1 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
Ranger Lokr Skill 1-1 Precise Shot 0 Regular Basic Ranger's basic attack, deals [Attack]±1 LokR Attack Icon. +[Attack]/2 LokR Attack Icon if target is Immobilized.
Ranger Lokr Skill 1-2 Poison Arrow 2LokR Duration Icon Regular Basic Deals [Attack] LokR TrueDam Icon and applies poison to an enemy for 2 LokR Duration Icon. Applies a 1 LokR Duration Icon Rooted if the enemy is Weakened.

Tier 2 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
Ranger Lokr Skill 2-1 Verdant Defender 4LokR Duration Icon Full action Basic Summons an ally Wulf Ent. None
Ranger Lokr Skill 2-2 Summon Brambles 2LokR Duration Icon Regular Basic+1 Summons 3 brambles on empty hexes. Brambles Root units that step on them. (Can also be casted on existing brambles) None

Tier 3 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
Ranger Lokr Skill 3-1 Ricochet 3LokR Duration Icon Full action Basic Arrow that ricochets between up to 3 enemies within 2 tiles of each other for [Attack]-2 - [Attack]-1 LokR Attack Icon. Roots primary target for 1 LokR Duration Icon. None
Ranger Lokr Skill 3-2 Kebab Shot 3LokR Duration Icon Regular 10 Shoots a piercing arrow that deals 2-3 LokR Attack Icon to all targets. Applies Bleeding to primary target for 1 LokR Duration Icon. None

Related units[]

Wulf Ent (from Verdant Defender)[]


HP Armor Attack Speed Range
LokR Ic WulfEnt 3 0 3 4 0


Icon Summon Summoned : This is a summoned unit, and it will disappear once its duration expires or its summoner summons a new unit. (Duration: 3 LokR Duration Icon)

WulfEnt Lokr Trait 1 Counter-Attack : Once per round, counter-attacks against melee attacks.

WulfEnt Lokr Trait 2 Dodge! : 30% chance to dodge targeted melee attacks.


Name Cooldown Type Range Effect
WulfEnt Lokr Skill 1 Bite Attack 0 Regular Melee Bites the target to deal [Attack]±1 LokR Attack Icon

Tips and Tricks[]


  • Any characters that inflict Immobilized can help the Ranger trigger the Epic effect of Precise Strike. This is usually dependent on the queue - if the enemy's turn is in between the inflictor of the Immobilized status and the Ranger's turn, then the enemy will recover before the Ranger can use Precise Shot on them. For example, if the Knight gets a turn first, she can use Shield Bash to stun an enemy. Then, the enemy gets their turn. The stun duration ticks, using up the enemy's turn and curing the stun. They are no longer stunned. Then the Ranger gets his turn to attack, but will not get the Epic effect because the enemy has already gotten over their affliction. There are two ways to make sure the Ranger gets to use his Epic effect:
    • The enemy's turn is simultaneously before or after the Ranger and the enemy inflicting Immobilized, or
    • The enemy walks into an environmental effect that immobilizes them. The Ranger himself can trigger this by placing Brambles, as can Bravebark with his Nature's Wrath skill.
  • Other characters who have the Keen Focus upgrade can stack with the Ranger. Especially when facing enemies with Regeneration, it is more useful to try to burst them down with high damage. When the Ranger has to withhold his attack, it may be that other characters should wait to attack for the same reason (such as their damage going to waste against a target that will just heal). When they all benefit from Keen Focus, it builds up a lot of total damage that will result in mass destruction on the following turn.
  • The Ranger has a particularly potent synergy with the Knight. By applying Poison Arrow to an enemy, they become Weakened. Then, when the Knight uses Shield Bash on the enemy, they become stunned for 2 turns as a result of the Epic effect. The Ranger's poison arrow will recharge in time to reapply the poison continually, allowing the Knight to continue using Shield Bash to perma-stall the enemy. In between reapplying the poison, the Ranger can also get even more Epic damage with Precise Shot against the stunned enemy.
  • One of the few advantages to Kebab Shot over Ricochet Arrow is when it can synergize the Bleed effect with the Sorceress's Punishing Curse, inflicting 8 true damage on the enemy instantly, plus the initial 2-3 physical damage and the original bleed damage for a total of 12-13 damage to a single target, alongside any other enemies struck by the shot. This synergy requires the Sorceress to have a turn after the Ranger but before the afflicted enemy.


  • "My bow is ready." - Upon select
  • "Can't stop me now!" - Upon upgrade
  • "Watch this!" - During combat
  • "Give me a target." - During combat
  • "Watch and learn!" - During combat
  • "Oof!" - When hurt
  • "Gah!"- When hurt
  • "Ahh-ouch!" - When hurt
  • "Ow..." - When killed