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I'll have my vengeance.

HeroProfile Regson

Reg'son the Eldritch Blade is a Hero in Kingdom Rush: Origins, unlocked by paying $1.99 as an in-app purchase on Mobile. He is unlocked at Grimmsburg on Steam. He starts at level 5.


Few dare combine martial prowess with eerie sorcery, none has ever mastered it like this silent young elf. The true heir to the Dark Throne of the Twilight Elves, left for dead when Malicia murdered his family. Since then he has sacrificed everything to become the deadliest warrior, the very embodiment of vengeance.


Regson 1 ELDRITCH HEAL Reg'sonHeal (passive) (1/2/3 hero points):

Whenever an enemy is defeated nearby, Reg'son is healed by 5% / 15% / 30% of the enemy's total life.

Regson 2 ELDRITCH BLADE Reg'sonBlade (active, cooldown: 30 seconds) (3/3/3 hero points):

Burns with eldritch fire for 5 seconds, slashing 10 times and dealing 30/50/70 True Damage on every attack with a 1%/2%/3% chance of slaying.
  • The description on iOS version is incorrect. Actual damage is listed above.

Regson 3 ELDRITCH SLASH Reg'sonSlash (active, cooldown: 15 seconds) (2/3/4 hero points):

Special manoeuvre that makes 3 attacks for 20-60 / 45-130 / 75-225 physical damage on up to 3 enemies.

Regson 4 ELDRITCH WAY (passive) (1/1/1 hero points):

Increases Reg'son's health by 40/40/40 points.

Hero Spell[]

Regson 5 VINDICATOR (active, cooldown: 200/100/70/50 seconds) (3/3/3 hero points):

Vindicator slays any single target. Deals 500/1000/1500/2000 damage to bosses.

When all of Reg'son's skills are active, he will use them in this order:

  1. Eldritch Blade
  2. Eldritch Slash


  • Reg'son's melee attack deals True Damage even when Eldritch Blade is not active.
  • Numbers in parenthesis indicate health with Eldritch Way upgraded.
Level HP* Heal Rate Damage (0.6s) Armor Respawn
1 300 30 6-9 None 15s
2 320 (360/400/440) 32 6-10 None 15s
3 340 (380/420/460) 34 7-11 None 15s
4 360 (400/440/480) 36 8-12 None 15s
5 380 (420/460/500) 38 9-13 None 15s
6 400 (440/480/520) 40 9-14 None 15s
7 420 (420/380/340) 42 10-15 None 15s
8 440 (480/520/560) 44 11-16 None 15s
9 460 (500/540/580) 46 12-17 None 15s
10 480 (520/560/600) 48 12-18 None 15s

Tips and Tricks[]

Reg'son is a melee hero specializing in True Damage demolishing small numbers of enemies in melee combat. Unlike other melee heroes, Reg'son has a modest damage output and average durability due to lack of armor, however, with his very fast attacks dealing true damage and his skills, he can kill faster than many other heroes do. Reg'son is one of the best melee heroes around. Despite his low base damage, when fully upgraded, he can unleash devastating attacks from his Eldritch Blades, while remaining unscathed thanks to Eldritch Heal. His lack of armor limits his capability in directly confronting foes, but he can still stand for quite some time with a larger than normal health bar. When using Reg'son, pairing him with good support towers that are able to handle groups, such as Wild Magus, Arcane Archers and Forest Keepers is a good idea, as the more enemies that die within Reg'son's Eldritch Heal, the more Reg'Son will heal, which complements his survivability by being constantly and consistently in the battle.

  • Eldritch Slash is a basic area attack with a fast cooldown and reliable damage, however it has a limit of three targets and a limited range, so it can only deal so much damage in one activation. This skill can heavily wound or kill weak, unarmored foes, such as Gnoll Reavers, Gnoll Burners, Redcaps, Satyr Cutthroats, Sword Spiders, Twilight Scourgers.
    • Reg'son will only use it when two or more enemies are within close proximity of him.
  • Eldritch Blade is an instant kill that is unlike all other heroes' instant kills. This skill grants a buff which turns Reg'son into a killing machine for 5 seconds, boosting his damage by up to 70 damage per attack and giving up to a 3% chance to instantly kill foes hit per attack.
    • Eldritch Blade has a hefty cooldown of 30 seconds, which meant positioning and time management of this skill is recommended for players to utilize the full potential of the skill.
    • If activated in an area where Reg'son can retain in combat in the same spot, Reg'son can potentially perform up to 10 attacks for a total of 700 True Damage, and, with some luck, can take out powerful enemies like Twilight Avengers, Twilight Heretics and Bandersnatches.
    • Eldritch Blade does not affect foes such as Twilight Golem and Shadow Champion, as these foes are immune to all instant kills except Vindicator, thus Eldritch Blade can only damage them without the odds of executing them.
    • Try to move Reg'son into combat with strong enemies, such as Twilight Heretics, and keep him in melee as Eldritch Blade triggers to utilize every opportunity to take them out. Plan forth, since the timer still counts when Reg'son is on the move, but even if you fail to put Reg'son in place in time, worry not, the skill will activate again just a few moments later.
  • Eldritch Heal is an offensive passive skill that contributes to Reg'son's survivability in battle. Unlike other healing skills, Eldritch Heal heals Reg'son whenever enemies near him are slain; a portion of up to 30% of slain enemy's maximum health flies into Reg'son in the form of an orb, restoring his hit points. This skill synergizes with Eldritch Blade's immense offensive power, and a few strong towers to help with the killing, to the point that it could keep Reg'son nearly unscathed all the time at the front line, reducing the need to retreat him to heal, further increasing his efficiency on the battlefield.
    • If you are used to playing with a durable hero like Eridan or Prince Denas, when you switch to Reg'son, it should be your priority to upgrade this skill. It would greatly boost Reg'son's durability, allow you to use him as a glass cannon with healing durability without worrying much about his health, despite the lack of armor.
    • This skill synergies with Eldritch Way, which increases Reg'son's health. The improved HP enables Reg'son to benefit more from the healing, especially when durable enemies are killed near him. Keep Reg'son on the front line, him being near your kill zone will maximize the effectiveness of Eldritch Heal.
    • With this skill fully upgraded, Reg'son can shrug off death explosions such as Boomshrooms, Munchshrooms and Fungus Breeders since he can outheal the blasts as those foes die, so you can deploy him as an attacker to halt the shrooms.
  • Vindicator is an instant kill, making Reg'son the first hero in all four games to possess two instant kills in his skill arsenal, the second is Murglun. Not only that it has a distinctively short cooldown of 50 seconds at tier 3 and can be used on any foe, anywhere on the map, Vindicator is the only instant kill in Kingdom Rush: Origins to be able to eliminate Twilight Golems and deadly Shadow Champions besides Wrath of Elynie. Vindicator however, is strictly limited to only one target; it has no way to harm more than one foe at a time. Thus, it is recommended for Vindicator to be prioritized on healthy durable threats.
    • Eldritch Heal benefits from Vindicator, healing Reg'son when he is near Vindicator's victim. Utilize this to sustain him through prolonged fights.
    • Vindicator, similar to Wrath of Elynie, cannot kill bosses in one hit, but can instead deal up to 2000 True Damage against them. Use it wisely to counter bosses, especially Malicia, who takes a very short route to the exit and thus takes little damage from your soldiers and towers.
    • Players can try predicting wave compositions with very tough enemies when saving Vindicator to use on a potential threat. This will save a lot of firepower and focus from towers.

Overall, when paired with a strong choke point, Reg'son will thrive further by having a buffer to stall and wipe off most of the tough enemies while heavily wounding tougher foes. However, it should be noted that he is not very good at strengthening a weak chokepoint, since he lacks good crowd control.

Below is a summary of Reg'son's strengths and weaknesses:


  1. High True Damage: Reg'son deals a lot of damage, mostly thanks to Eldritch Blade. Armor matters little to him, which is one of the reasons why Reg'son hurts and kills much more effectively than Bravebark and Prince Denas.
  2. Support a choke point: When enemies are grouped and controlled by towers and soldiers, Reg'son can unleash his wrath with Eldritch Slash and Eldritch Blade better and is healed more due to the larger number of enemies killed. This makes him perfect to support choke points.
  3. Fight like a lone wolf: Although he fights better by a choke point, Reg'son also has a lot of potential in solo fights, with all of his skills built around supporting himself. He can hold his own against Gnolls, Satyr Cutthroats, Satyr Hoplites, Sword Spiders, BoomshroomsMunchshrooms and Fungus Breeders.


  1. Lack of crowd control: This is Reg'son's biggest, most noticeable flaw. His lack of a good AOE skill can easily let through hordes of enemies as he struggles to deal with all of them. And, since Vindicator only affects one target, it cannot be used as a mass destruction/crowd control weapon like the Hero Spells of some other heroes, like Eridan and Arivan.
  2. Lack of armor: Reg'son has a lot of health, but he is unarmored, thus his health can fluctuate greatly, unlike health like that of Prince Denas and Bravebark. He can be killed very quickly if you are not careful, especially to powerful attacks like those of Twilight Golems or arrow volleys from Twilight Harassers.


  • "I'll have my vengeance."
  • "Wait and bleed."
  • "I am still standing."
  • "I live to fight this day."
  • (death) "Into the night..."


  • 'Reg'son' is an anagram of the lead designer, Gerson da Silva's first name. He shares this trait with Regnos, a deity in the mythos of Kingdom Rush: Frontiers.
  • Reg'son is based heavily on the Night Elf Demon Hunter from Warcraft 3. Both wear little clothing, and both are brooding and extremely revenge oriented.
  • "Wait and Bleed"
    • A 1999 song by the heavy metal band Slipknot.
  • "I'm Still Standing"
  • "Into the Night"
  • "I will have my vengeance."
    • Said by Maximus Decimus Meridius in the film Gladiator.
  • "I live to fight this day."
    • Based off of the common phrase "Live to fight another day."


  • Vindicator has a bug when used on the Gnoll Warleader to kill it. If slain as it just spawns in (a good indicator is whether or not all of the sprite can be seen yet), the Warleader will be locked into its walking animation, no longer a threat. It can still be targeted by ranged attacks but not melee attacks. If Vindicator is used again on the Warleader, it will give gold again and again without dying. However, if enough damage is done to it through towers shooting at the Warleader or Thunderbolt blasts striking it to deal damage equal to its max health, the Warleader will die as intended. The damage threshold resets each time Vindicator is used again.
  • This makes Reg'son especially useful in Valor’s Rest, as he can contribute far more Gold than any other hero if this glitch is abused.
  • This bug is exclusive to iPadOS and does not work on the android and steam versions of the game
  • There is a similar bug with malicia that also has only been seen working on IOS. Except, it happened when she was in 33% hp range of vindicator, and she could not be damaged, probably because of her gimmick of going back to her throne every 33% of her health.


Their twilight has come.
Regson Lokr Profile

Hailing from a distant land, Reg'son finds a Linirea menaced by dark forces, prompting him to put his blades to work once again.


Level HP Armor Attack Speed
1 6 2 5 3
2 8 2 7 3
3 11 2 8 4


Regson Lokr Trait 1 Eldritch Heal : Heals [Level] LokR Health Icon whenever he kills an enemy.

Regson Lokr Trait 2 Eldritch Siphon : Receive -1 LokR Magic Icon. Whenever he is hit with magic damage, enters Eldritch State (used to trigger Epic effects) (for 1 LokR Duration Icon)

KeenFocus Lokr TraitKeen Focus : Gains +2 damage for 1 turn if ending turn without skill use.

Affliction Lokr KeenFocus This unit has +2 Damage for this turn


Tier 1 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
Regson Lokr Skill 1-1 Eldritch Blades 0 Regular 1 Deals [attack]÷2

LokR Attack Icon (round up) and [attack]÷3 LokR TrueDam Icon (round down) to an enemy

When in Eldritch State, both strikes deal True Damage.
Regson Lokr Skill 1-2 Vicious Lunge 3LokR Duration Icon Regular 3 Lunges toward an enemy to deal [attack]±1 LokR Attack Icon, landing on an adjacent free hex afterwards When in Eldritch State, deals [attack]÷2 more LokR Attack Icon.

Tier 2 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
Regson Lokr Skill 2-1 Shadow Uppercut 3LokR Duration Icon Regular 1 Strikes the target with an uppercut that deals [attack] LokR Attack Icon to it and swap places with Reg'son. When in Eldritch State, deals +2 LokR Attack Icon.
Regson Lokr Skill 2-2 Blood Veil 3LokR Duration Icon Free action Self Spends 3 LokR Health Icon to cast a shield on himself that will negate all damage from the next hit. (Requires at least 4 LokR Health Icon to use) None
Regson Lokr Skill 2-3 Eldritch Focus 3LokR Duration Icon Free action Self Removes all debuffs, heals [Max HP]÷4 LokR Health Icon and gets +1[attack] for 1 LokR Duration Icon None

Tier 3 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
Regson Lokr Skill 3-1 Vindicator 3LokR Duration Icon Regular 1 Deals [lost HP]x2 LokR Attack Icon to an enemy, heals 3 LokR Health Icon afterwards. None
Regson Lokr Skill 3-2 Eldritch Fury 4LokR Duration Icon Full action Self Fully heals himself and enters a focus state. Starts the next turn dealing [lost HP] LokR TrueDam Icon to all adjacent enemies, and loses its Focus State. Heal himself 3 HP if in Eldritch State when the attack is executed.
Regson Lokr Skill 3-3 Twilight Step 3LokR Duration Icon Full action 2 Phases between up to 3 enemies of up to 1 hex away from each other, dealing [attack] LokR Attack Icon to each of them before returning to the starting hex. When in Eldritch State, deals [attack]÷4 LokR Attack Icon.


  • "Their twilight has come." - Upon select
  • "My will grow stronger" - Upon upgrade
  • "Prepare to die!" - During combat
  • "Get out of my way." - During combat
  • "No hesitation." - During combat
  • "Oof." - When hurt
  • "Tseurgh!" - When hurt
  • "Eurgh" - When hurt
  • "Back... to the origins." - When killed
  • "They had it coming!" - Upon Victory

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