Sand Wraiths are powerful desert ghost wizards who possess a ranged attack, can summon Fallen and heal other enemies.
Often in command of dark armies, they leave a path of death and decay in their wake.
Sand Wraiths are very similar to Necromancers from the original Kingdom Rush: rare but very durable enemies. Not only do they have a solid amount of hit points and a ranged attack that can eliminate soldiers and reinforcements, additionally they have the ability to spawn a swarm of disposable meat shields. Unlike the Necromancers, however, Sand Wraiths do not raise undead next to them, but from a sarcophagus that they summon a distance in front of them, which allows these Fallen to bypass part of the player's defenses. The sarcophagus cannot be destroyed, but crumbles after summoning four Fallen. If they are not taken quickly they are capable of creating their own army numerous enough to take the attention of your towers and distract them, allowing more important enemies to pass almost without taking any amount of damage.
Sand Wraiths also possess the ability to heal 100 health to nearby allies every 8 seconds, but this healing is rather inefficient.
- Placing Reinforcements next to them will prevent them from summoning Fallen. They won't last long, however, because Sand Wraiths are stronger in melee and have a fast attack speed (1.0 s). Tower support will be needed to kill them.
- It is a better idea to block them with a powerful melee hero like Alric and use tower support or a Rain of Fire to kill them. This is also an excellent way to earn the Mummy at the Gates achievement.
- You can take advantage of Sand Wraith's ability to create hordes of undead and DWAARP's Furnace Blast to get the popular BBQ achievement more easily in Nazeru's Gates.
- Although they are necromancers mages, Sand Wraiths don't have magic resistance so magic towers will be effective against them.
- Their melee attack is strong enough to defeat heroes that don't come with armor such as Mirage, Blackthorne, Nivus, Cronan, Bruxa, and Dante so it's not recommended to use those heroes in melee if you want to get Desert Warrior achievement.
- The ability to summon a sarcophagus full of Fallen inspired the Kingdom Rush Vengeance item called Sarcophagus Servants which is available in the shop for 220 gems. The item will summon a sarcophagus that will produce 4 mummies.
- On Kingdom-Rush Vengeance Hamerhold dlc aditional content you will be able to use a mercenary tower where you hire a Sand Wraith to summon fallen for your cause the fallen will walk down all the enemie path this is the third reverse tower defense tower ver in Kingdom-Rush saga.
- Their clothes seem to inspire the design and clothing of the hero Isfet though is unknown if they actually belong to the same sect.
- The playable sand wraith you can hire in Kingdom-Rush Vengeance will summon 5 mummys instead of the usual 4 that they tend to summon as an enemy on Kingdom-Rush Frontiers hiring their services 13 times Will allow you to earn the IM-OH-TEP achivement .
- Sand Mystic seem to be the rival sect /religion/counterpart of them countering several of their abilities like being able to crush swarms with their range attack also they play the same role of healer with their allies as Sand Wraith did on Frontiers with theirs.
Related Achievements[]
MUMMY AT THE GATES Kill a Sand Wraith before it summons any Fallen.
Summon the mummys 13 times to fight for your purposes