Kingdom Rush Wiki
By the light of the moon!

SylvanElf Lokr Profile


Deadly and swift with their spears, the warriors from Silveroak Forest must now band together with outsiders in order to repel the threats to their homeland.

The Sylvan Elf is unlocked by unlocking the achievement Green Thumb.


Level HP Armor Armor


Attack Speed Range
1 5 1 0 3 3 3
2 6 2 1 4 3 3
3 8 3 2 5 3 4


Ranger Lokr Trait 1 Agility : The Hero may move after performing a simple action if they didn't move on this turn.

Asra Lokr Trait 1Dodge! : 25% chance to dodge targeted melee attacks.

KeenFocus Lokr TraitKeen Focus : Gains +2 damage for 1 LokR Duration Icon if ending turn without skill use.

Affliction Lokr KeenFocus This unit has +2 damage for this turn


Tier 1 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
SylvanElf Lokr Skill 1-1 Thrust 0 Regular Melee Deals [Attack] LokR Attack Icon damage to an adjacent enemy and ceil[Attack * 3/4] LokR Attack Icon damage to the enemy behind it. None
SylvanElf Lokr Skill 1-2 Living Bow 0 Regular Basic Shoots a magic arrow at a target dealing ceil[Attack*3/4] LokR Magic Icon damage. None

Tier 2 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
SylvanElf Lokr Skill 2-1 Sylvan Volley 2 Regular 3 Casts 7 bolts into a 1 hex area, randomly striking enemies. Deals [Attack] LokR Attack Icon damage per bolt. None
SylvanElf Lokr Skill 2-2 Spear Rush 3 Regular Melee Deals [Attack]*1.5 LokR Attack Icon damage to an enemy and to the one behind it. Requires the Sylvan Elf to move before executing the attack. None

Tier 3 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
SylvanElf Lokr Skill 3-1 Woodland Stride 2 Full Action Basic Teleports to a hex in range, removing debuffs from allies adjacent to his new location and dealing 3 LokR Magic Icon damage to adjacent enemies. None
SylvanElf Lokr Skill 3-2 Skirmish 2 Full Action Self Shoots 3 arrows at random targets within range. Targets may be repeated. [Attack] LokR Attack Icon per arrow.


  • "By the light of the moon" - Upon select
  • "Experienced spear" - Upon upgrade
  • "I shall not fear" - During combat
  • "I could shoot you in the dark" - During combat
  • "Utúlie'n aurë" - During combat ("The day has come!")
  • "Waaaahh" - When hurt
  • "" - When hurt
  • "" - When hurt
  • "(elvish)" - When killed