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Troll Breakers (Breaker on the mobile version) are enemies that appear only in the Winter Storm mini-campaign in Kingdom Rush. They are among the hardest-hitting foes in the series.


Armored, combat-trained trolls, these brutes can tear through even the most sophisticated of defenses.

Troll Breakers are equipped with high area-damaging logs. They are very similar to Forest Trolls and Swamp Things with very high regeneration rate. Paladins are the only way to effectively stop these brutes because of their high armor and healing ability. They seem to be harder to kill than their Forest Troll cousins and Swamp Things, because they deal more damage, have a faster attack rate, and 60% armor.


  • Killing them instantly with Death Ray or Sniper Shot is a good idea. Polymorph works as well but the durable and unblockable sheep may run through the player's defense if the player isn't good at spam-clicking or spam-tapping on small targets.
  • Trolls can't regenerate while they are under Wrath of the Forest, and the optional Poison Arrows will negate what they heal.
  • Place Arcane Wizards with Teleport at the end of the path.
  • Low-level towers do almost nothing against them, so try to upgrade them quickly.
  • Rangers with Poison Arrows will reduce their regeneration.
  • Sorcerer Towers will halve their armor and Earth Elemental will stall them for a fair amount of time.
  • On flash, when Troll Chieftains enrage trolls, Troll Breakers have 100% armor, 110-195 damage, which can kill even fully upgraded Call Reinforcements in one shot. However, Sorcerer Mage can halve their armor into 50%, which is slightly less than Troll Breaker's main armor.
  • Out of all the heroes, Hacksaw is the best for dealing with these enemies due to his high armor and instant-kill. Oni is also a solid choice because of the same reasons.


  • Troll Breakers are one of seventeen enemies in the series that have the iconic bear growl sound on death.



This very dangerous troll unit dishes out massive damage.


LokR NmeTr Regen Ha'Kraj Regeneration : When not burning, Ha'Kraj Trolls regenerate HP at the beginning of their turn. HP Regeneration: 1

LokR NmeTr HakrajRage Ha'Kraj Rage : Becomes enraged if an ally Ha'Kraj Troll dies adjacent to this unit.

Affliction Lokr Enraged Enraged : Ha'Kraj gain extra regeneration and extra damage. Bonus Regeneration: +1. Damage Bonus: +1.


Name Cooldown Type Range Effect
LokR Nme Clobber Clobber 0 Regular 1 The Breaker's basic attack, deals [Attack] ±1 LokR Attack Icon to the main target and [Attack] 3 LokR Attack Icon to adjacent units. All units hit are knocked back.
LokR Nme BattRam Battering Ram 3LokR Duration Icon Full Action 4 Charges toward its target in a straight line, damaging all units in its path [Attack] 4 LokR Attack Icon and dropping them in free hexes around the Breaker.


Troll Breakers are very dangerous because they deal massive damage and can charge. They should not be allowed to become enraged and should be killed before a normal Troll Warrior in order to prevent them from becoming enraged. To prevent them from charging, engage them in melee combat with a unit with high enough health to survive. They are not a very common enemy.


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