Kingdom Rush Wiki
ā€œ All charged up! ā€

Zapper Lokr Profile


Using their advanced technology and gadgets, these electricity-loving engineers love to shock their enemies to the core.

They may be based on the Tesla x104 tower from Kingdom Rush


Level HP Armor Attack Speed Range
1 4 0 3 2 4
2 6 0 4 2 4
3 8 0 6 2 6


Zapper Lokr Trait 1 Shocking Presence : Deals [level] LokR Magic Icon damage to adjacent targets at the start of his turn. Does not apply to scenery like TNT barrels, tentacles, or bosses.

LocknLoad Lokr Trait Lock 'N' Load : Gains extra range for the next turn if the character ends their turn without using any skills. Extra Range: +2

Affliction Lokr LocknLoad This unit has +2 Range for this turn.


Tier 1 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
Zapper Lokr Skill 1-1 Jolt 0 Regular Basic Zapper's basic attack, deals [attack/2 + 2 rounded up] LokR Magic Icon to 1 target. Applies burning if target is Immobilized.
Zapper Lokr Skill 1-2 Lightning Ball 3 Full action Basic Deals [Attack] LokR Magic Icon and applies stunned to targeted enemy. Splash damage of 1 physical damage to enemies in 1-hex radius. None

Tier 2 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
Zapper Lokr Skill 2-1 Chain Lightning 3 Full action Basic Deals [attack]*0.5 LokR Magic Icon damage to 1 target and applies stunned, chains to up to 2 adjacent enemies. None
Zapper Lokr Skill 2-2 Thunderstrike 4 Regular Basic, global Deals [attack] LokR Magic Icon damage to it, then randomly attack another enemy, deals[attack]/2 LokR Magic Icon damage. None

Tier 3 Skills[]

Name Cooldown Type Range Effect Epic
Zapper Lokr Skill 3-1 Raise Coil 3 Regular 4 Raises a Tesla Coil on a free hex, which attacks a random enemy within range. None
Zapper Lokr Skill 3-2 Magnetic Trap 2 Regular 4 Throw a magnet to an empty tile, drags all enemies in a 2-hex radius to it and applies rooted to all. None

Related Units[]

Tesla Coil[]


HP Armor Attack Speed Range
Lokr Ic TeslaCoil 2 0 1 3 4


  • The Coil lasts indefinitely or until destroyed. There is no limit to the number of coils allowed in play.
  • The Coil cannot be controlled once summoned, does not move, and automatically attacks an enemy unit within its range.


Name Cooldown Range Effect
Attack Lokr CoilJolt Coil Jolt 0 4 Shocks an enemy with a small electric charge (2-3LokR Magic Icon)


  • "All charged up!" - Upon select
  • "High voltage!" - Upon upgrade
  • "C'mon c'mon c'mon!" - During combat
  • "Zap 'em up!" - During combat
  • "It's on!" - During combat
  • "Euff!" - When hurt
  • "Yee-ouch!" - When hurt
  • "" - When hurt
  • "Ach.. short.. circuit.." - When killed